Exploring Glasnevin Cemetery – Dublin

Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin

If you want to spend some time with calm and peaceful environment then Glasnevin cemetery is the perfect place for you. This Glasnevin cemetery is the largest cemetery from Ireland which is nearly 200 years of old (opened at 21st February 1832). Before this the Catholic of Ireland didn’t have any cemetery of their own. Till this day the area of the cemetery is 124 acres. This is one of the very few cemeteries which allows stillborn babies to be buried (the area is known as Angels Plot).

Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin

Glasnevin cemetery comprises with two sections, one is having all the old graves which are spacious. And the second section is having all the new graves which are slightly packed. Most of the graves are with heart touching inscription and detail about buried people. No matter when you visit the cemetery you’d find it is less crowded. Also people are very respectful for the passed souls. As the cemetery located in Dublin, it should be at the top of your Dublin city tour attractions.

Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin

I always love to visit the Botanic Garden which is adjacent to this cemetery. Whenever I visit the garden I pay a visit to this cemetery as well. Birdwatchers from Dublin also come here to watch birds. Although I didn’t see too many variety of birds there. But if birding is your hobby then you could try this place.

Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin

The entry for the Glasnevin cemetery is free of cost. Opening time is from 8:00am to 6:30pm. There is a guided tour available once in every hour (which costs 10 euro). I didn’t get a chance to try that one, but I’ve seen other people have experienced that with the expert guides. And this is the best way to know more about this cemetery and increase your knowledge.

Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
A nice edifice inside the Glasnevin cemetery.

After your visit don’t forget to spend some time in Botanic Garden which is sharing the same wall in between. There is a gate available which allows you to enter inside the Botanic garden from the cemetery.

Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
This tall tower is over the tomb of Daniel O’Connell.

How to Go:

I always use the Bus 40 to visit this place. Usually in every 15-20 minutes you should get this bus from the O’connel street. Should be around 15 minutes from the city. There is another bus probably runs on that direction which is 140 (I didn’t try that one). Gps coordinate of the Glasnevin cemetery is (53°22’19.6″N, 6°16’39.6″W).

Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
This tall tower is over the tomb of Daniel O’Connell.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Top of the tower.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
This part of the cemetery is having plenty of beautiful Roman style statues.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Looks like this part of the cemetery is not getting proper attention.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
From any part of the Glasnevin cemetery you’d see this beautiful tower.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
A statue of a Baby angel.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
This statue probably represents the Jesus, or a priest.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
A cute little baby angel. Probably for any kid who is resting in a peace here. Did you notice the second baby angel in this photo?
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
This corner of the cemetery is probably for the rich people. Saw some tombs as a chamber with locked doors.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
An angel with a broken arm.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Looks like the boy is playing with the baby angel here.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
I forgot the detail about this. Probably an statue represents someone who died.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
The castle like corner of the Glasnevin cemetery.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
You can walk through this passage. At both sides you’d find the chambers where people are buried.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
It looks like the people who buried here were very rich (my personal opinion).
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Cemetery has plenty of walkways like this all around.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
This is one of the prettiest walkway inside the Glasnevin cemetery.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
A road through the new graves.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
New grave section from the Glasnevin cemetery.
Glasnevin Cemetery - Dublin
A flowerpot in front of a grave.
Cherry flower from the Glasnevin cemetery.
I’ve seen quite a few Common wood pigeons in cemetery.
Found an Eurasian blue tit was chirping around.
I’ve only seen this greenfinch only once in Glasnevin cemetery.
This Song thrush wasn’t shy at all.

Glasnevin Cemetery,
County: Dublin,
GPS coordinate (53°22’19.6″N, 6°16’39.6″W),
List of Hotels from Dublin.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog http://alonelytraveler.com/

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