Larrybane Quarry – Northern Ireland

We’ve started our coastal walk after from the Carrick-a-rede rope bridge (after visiting it). Just around 100 meter apart from the ticket counter there is a nice place named Larrybane Quarry. This place became instantly famous after the popular tv series Game of Thrones. Few part of the series was shoot here. Larrybane Quarry is not like a place that people only come to visit this place, in fact people visit this place after exploring the rope bridge (as both places are in very good proximity).

We were slow and behind the schedule as it was taking more time to explore the area. It was near the lunch time and we had our food with us. We were sitting by the edge of the bay while we were having our lunch. It was slightly cold but was enjoyed the murmuring sound of the ocean happening due to upcoming high tide. It was a place where you can easily spent time without doing anything. I’ve found lot of people got clueless after reaching there (i.e. where to go, what to do, what to see). Everything around was like a frame of picture.

Larrybane Quarry

The rocks around us were white and solid. We’ve climbed the mini rock while walking for the next destination Ballintoy harbour. Larrybane quarry looks more beautiful from the top (my opinion). It was a bit windy and was risky to stand near the edge. I was cautious while walking near the edge. Few part of the cliffs were having cracks on it. From far it looks scary, but if you go near it doesn’t look that much scary. Few of the cracks were slightly deep but couldn’t see as it is dark inside.

Larrybane Quarry
This white rock cliff has a small beach underneath.

While I was walking beside the coastline (to go to next destination) one side was the ocean and other side the farms (privately owned). I’ve always wanted to see lot of sheep in a green field grazing. This kind of scene is very rare in our country (Bangladesh). This time I have got the chance. Although they were not too many in counts, but plenty enough. I named this walking as “walking by counting sheep”. The path was slightly muddy and covered by the grass. May be it became muddy by the footsteps from the continuous tourists.

This lovely place is packed with the parked cars. I think people can bring their caravan here.

This part of the coastal line was very easy to walk and the path is well maintained (apart from the sudden muds). After reaching the Ballintoy town the later part of the path was through the meandering downhill pitch road. It was very easy to go down, but the path was very long as it was a snakelike road. Will write in next story how we’ve returned back from there. Was it through the uphill walk or was it another way?

How to Go:

Assuming you are already at Ballycastle. Read this article to know how to reach at Ballycastle. There is a bus (number 402) runs for the coastline in every one hour. First one starts at 10:05am at morning during weekends. It takes around 10 minutes to reach there and cost 3 pound per person.

Note: This bus time schedule for October and during weekend. You may find bus more frequently during summer or working days. Also during weekday you may find other buses (i.e. 172) that goes for other destination but touches the Carric-a-rede rope bridge.

Where to stay:

Nearest town with all the facilities from Carrick-a-rede rope bridge is Ballycastle. You can find list of hotels from Ballycastle from the link. Most of the tourists like to spend nights at Bushmills as the Giant’s causeway is near from there. You can find list of hotels from Bushmills from this link. There are few guest houses available in between the two places. But it would be difficult for you if you do not own a private vehicle with you there (i.e. finding a restaurant nearby).

Blue ocean is just beside the place.
Small island named as Sheep island.
We had our home cooked lunch here, brought with us from Dublin.
Another small piece of rock in water.
High tide was coming. This rock was getting under water sometime.
An array of small rocks (or rock island) near the Rope bridge.
Larrybane Quarry
While I was sitting it was on my left hand side.
Ballintoy harbour is at far sight.
One house atop of cliff at Ballintoy.
I always like the display of splashing water and their lyrical sound.
A serene view, but the weather was cold.
I think during high tide this black rock would go under water sometimes.
White rock beneath my feet while I was sitting there by hanging my feet from the edge.
One of the most impressive views from Larrybane Quarry.
I’ve walked beside this cliff to reach to the rope bridge earlier.
Closer look towards the cliff rocks.
At the top of the Quarry.
This is towards the Ballintoy harbour (that was our next destination).
Picturesque view of the cliff.
Closer look towards the cliff.
You’ll understand how windy it was if you have a look at the grass here.
Coastal line. The causeway coastal route is just beside the cliff.
One tourist is having a look at the crack. This place is at the top of the Larrybane Quarry.
Closer look towards the cracks.
More closer look. It’s not that scary as it looks.
A gorge, I’ve gone through it.
This gorge actually takes us at the bottom again.
You can see the parked car at the shooting spot of Game of Thrones.
Right side is the Rope bridge walkway.
Already spent lot of time here, time to move forward.
Left side is for the Ballintoy harbour walkway.
Cracks in earth.
This view is towards the Larrybane Quarry from the casweay route (after walking for several minutes).
Plenty of sheep grazing on field. Wanted to see more. This type of scenery is uncommon in my country (Bangladesh).
These two sheep are enjoying their meal together.
Another pair of sheep.
I’ve seen this kind of rolling grass before. But those were only from far. For example from running bus.
Causeway coastal route walk. This route is going through the private lands. That’s why the wires at both side to prevent walkers to invade the private lands.

This article is the continuation from previous article Carrick-a-rede rope bridge. Next destination after this place was Ballintoy Harbour.

Larrybane Quarry,
City: Ballycastle,
County: Antrim,
Country: Northern Ireland,
GPS Coordinate (55°14’28.6″N 6°21’05.2″W),
List of hotel nearby.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog

Sunday, 29 October 2017

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