Feni: Old house from Bashpara

Friday, 05 July 2013

We were at the Bashpara (বাঁশপাড়া) village to visit the famous Bashpara Shat Mondir. Near that place we have found an old house. From outside it looked like a 30/40 years of old mansion to me. So wasn’t interested that much initially. But later we have entered inside curiously and found this hidden gem! It would have been a great miss If we didn’t do that.

I have seen lot of movies at where people enter through a magic gate and discover a different world. It gave me a similar feelings. It was totally different from the outside (specially with those white paints). Also, it doesn’t give any hint about it’s size from the outside. So, we were totally surprised after exploring the whole edifice.

After viewing this, didn’t expect more from inside. But proved wrong eventually!

It was specious inside and had several rooms inside. Most of the rooms were dark as those lack of sunlight. Most of the walls were waiting to be collapsed (soon), and they were tangled by the roots of the plants. It was just like an old, lost city from inside. Few walls from there found with ornate heavily. Those artworks simply define the taste, and the wealth of the owner of that time.

After the main (or front) building compartment, there is a small yard there (should be a inner yard). After that another separated building (whose roofs are missing these days). This area is totally filled with jungle and bushes these days. It made me feel as if I am in a jungle. And few trees atop with low light were making the area a mysterious place.

It seems ordinary in these days, but was not that time.

It is a pity that I know nothing about this old edifice. I believe someone from the archaeological department can help me on this matter. Or, may be some septuagenarian near from the area can help?

How to Go:

This place is just beside the Bashpara Shat Mondir. From there you can ask anyone about this old house. But before that you have to come to the Chhagolnaiya Upazela (ছাগলনাইয়া উপজেলা). You can come here from the Feni district (ফেনী জেলা) using CNG driven vehicles. It is probably 30 Taka per person and takes around 30 minutes to reach at Chhagolnaiya (ছাগলনাইয়া).

From there you can take a walk to reach near the temple. Everyone knows about this place, so just ask them if you need any help. And the old house is just near (at the other side of the pond) from the temples. For your assistance, the GPS coordinate is (23° 2’17.42″N, 91°30’37.40″E).

Slowly we were moving into the world of antiquity!
Roots are crawling over the wall.
It was dark inside. Poor shot from my poor camera!
Another plant on the wall. This time the roots are reassembling as a dinosaur!
This was the only wall where the artwork is found intact.
Another tree on the wall (or should I say at the edge).
Probably it was the inner side of the mansion. Now looks like a jungle.
I believe its a good hideout for the snakes.
They are local tourists. They have followed us and entered inside.
Trust me, these roots are looking for some sort of ground (or wall).
Trust me, these roots are looking for some sort of ground (or wall).

Old house from Bashpara (বাঁশপাড়ার পুরানো বাড়ী)
Village: Bashpara(বাঁশপাড়া),
Upazila: Chhagolnaiya(ছাগলনাইয়া উপজেলা),
District: Feni(ফেনী জেলা),
Country: Bangladesh(বাংলাদেশ),
GPS coordinate: (23° 2’17.42″N, 91°30’37.40″E)

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog https://alonelytraveler.com/

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