List of cuisines I have tasted – Nepal

It was a business tour at Nepal, and my first time visit. I was terribly busy with official works during my staying over there. But had lot of chances to taste the local Nepali dishes along with the modern fast foods. Of course all the expenses were sponsored by the office. Kathmandu is a town that has lot of restaurants and bars for the tourists. Price always varies at the restaurants based on the status and the level.


Momo is a traditional Nepali cuisine that is available both in fried and steamed form. This can be filled with meat from buffalo, chicken, mutton, etc. Or it can be filled with vegetable, cheese, paneer, etc. It is believed that your tour at Nepal is not complete until you do not taste the Momo.

Nepali Thali:

This is another Nepali cuisine that was one of my favorite. This Thali is best for the lunch. Most impressive thing of this is the decoration. Rice and all the curries are served in a brass made plate and bowls. This item comprises with rice along with either mutton, buffalo, or paneer. Additionally it has seasonal vegetable curry, fried green vegetable leaf, and daal. Also it has a bread made from daal along with chatni(can be called as a sour/spicy sauce in western world) as an appetizer.

Nepali version of Pizza:

Actually I forgot the local name of this item. It is mainly a paste of Keema mutton along with the onion and tomato is served over a crunchy bread made from wheat.


Sadeko is another traditional Nepali cuisine. All most any foods can be an ingredient of a Sadeko. For example starting from a fish to meat or from a vegetable to spice. I have tried the Mutton Sadeko that is basically the dried meat(very small in pieces) of mutton is mixed with heavy spices, onion, etc. It was too much hot to taste. Also another day I have tasted the Potato Sadeko. I don’t have any photo for these items unfortunately.

This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog

19 August 2013 – 28 August 2013

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