Kishoreganj: Bebud Rajar Dighi

Friday, 07 June 2013



Bebud Rajar Dighi(বেবুদ রাজার দিঘী) is a large pond that is located at the Egarosindur Union(এগারোসিন্দুর ইউনিয়্ন) of Pakundia Upazila(পাকুন্দিয়া উপজেলা). Locally this is known as Bebud Rajar Pukur(বেবুদ রাজার পুকুর), more colloquially Bebuiddar Pukur(বেবুইদ্দার পুকুর). It was built by a tribal king named Bebud(বেবুদ). He belongs to the tribe named Koch(কোচ), many people opposed it as tribe Hajong(হাজং).

It was after the Jumma(জুম্মা) prayer of the Friday and I was traveling alone. Rain was continuum and had no sign to stop. I had to hire a rickshaw for 100 taka for a round trip. Though my map was showing it is very near from the bus stoppage. It was a muddy road and the road was thick with mud of red soil. The puller had to do lot of hard works on that road. Also at several places I had to assist him by pushing from behind.

A village road like this one from Bangladesh is always awesome for riding on rickshaw. But during a rainy day, its best, an ineffable thing to write here. Everywhere is green. Rain drops are falling everywhere. When it drops from a tree, feels awesome, when it drops on a water looks awesome. Most of the people were inside house or shelter to avoid soaking from the water. Few were working despite of rain as it was mandatory for them.


Myth on Bebud Rajar Pukur(বেবুদ রাজার পুকুর):

Bebud(বেবুদ) was a tribal king of Koch tribe(কোচ উপজাতি) from the 16th century. There are several myths/stories are available regarding this king and his pond. During a drought he dug this large pond to ease the water crisis of his peasants. But unfortunately the pond didn’t filled with water(same thing I have heard about most of the ponds from Bangladesh, its a common story, anyway…). King Bebud(বেবুদ) saw a dream at night and heard a voice that ordered to sacrifice his wife’s life at the pond to get water on it. He shared this dream with his wife Shompa Rani(শম্পা রানী) and his wife agreed to comply with the order of the dream. But she had a toddler and asked the king about his future. She was worried about his baby’s life.

Next day, during the dream, King Bebud(বেবুদ) saw the dream again and this time he asked about his toddler son. Cause the son was totally dependent on his wife. The voice on the dream assured that the King will be given a magical ring, if he bring this ring on the bank of the pond, his wife will be given back to him only to feed their toddler son. Assuring the safety of their son, the queen went at the middle of the pond at next day and the water started to rising slowly and she was sunken inside the water when a whorl was created around her.

Whenever the kid cried from the hunger, the king brought him to the pond and touched the bank with his ring. It conjured the queen back as a form of human and she gave her breast to the baby.

But the king lost this magical power later. How he lost the magical power, and what happened to the ring is written on the next article.


How to Go:

It is very easy to visit the Bebud Rajar Pukur. The transport option of this place is very smooth from Dhaka. Below is the route for you.

1) First come to the Goyalghat(গোয়ালঘাট) of Egarosindur(এগারোসিন্দুর). GPS Coordinate of Goyalghat is (24°15’45.64″N, 90°39’23.85″E). If you are from Dhaka, then use the bus of Jolshiri(জলসিড়ি) or Ononna(অনন্যা) of Kishoreganj(কিশোরগঞ্জ) district, or use the bus Bonna(বন্যা) of Nandail(নান্দাইল). All are available from Mohakhali(মহাখালী) Bus stand. Bus fare will be around 130 taka. Just inform the bus helper to drop you at Goyalghat(গোয়ালঘাট).

2) From Goyalghat(গোয়ালঘাট) you have to take rickshaw or have to walk to reach near the Bebud Rajar Pukur(বেবুদ রাজার পুকুর). You have to hire the rickshaw for the round trip. It will be around 80-100 taka for a round trip. It takes around 20-30 minutes to reach near the Pond. GPS coordinate of the Bebud Rajar Dighi(বেবুদ রাজার দিঘী) is (24°16’12.96″N, 90°39’29.43″E).


It was raining, cats and dogs. I had to shot the photos from under my umbrella.


The bank of the pond gives me an essence that it is not that much deep.


Most of the road was muddy like this one. The rickshaw puller had to do lot of hard works for this.

Bebud Rajar Dighi(বেবুদ রাজার দিঘী),
Egarosindur Union(এগারোসিন্দুর ইউনিয়্ন),
Panundia Upazila(পাকুন্দিয়া উপজেলা),
Kishoreganj District(কিশোরগঞ্জ জেলা),

This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog


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