Naogaon: Bolihar Jomidar Bari

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Entrance! though only the facade is standing, premise walls are missing.

Bolihar(বলিহার) is a small village located around 17 kilometer apart from the Naogaon District(নওগাঁ জেলা). This is famous for the resident of Bolihar Jomidar(বলিহার জমিদার), a powerful land lord from the history. According to the history, the Bolihar Jomidari(বলিহার জমিদারী) system was established through a direct decree from the Mughal(মুঘল) Emperor Aorongojeb.

During the invasion against Isha Khan(ইশা খাঁ), the chieftain of Mughal(মুঘল) army Mansingh(মানসিংহ) took a rest here. To keep the large army busy, Mansingh(মানসিংহ) ordered them to dig lot of ponds around. It is believed that this Jomidar Bari(জমিদার বাড়ী) had around 300-330 small/large water tanks around, which are now all gone by these days.

Most of the buildings of this Jomidar Bari(জমিদার বাড়ী) premise are gone. Only few are standing now a days. And the condition of those buildings are very poor and can collapse in any days. Only the temple inside the premise is standing firm(from my observation). It was built during 1823 by one of the Bolihar(বলিহার) ruler named Rajendranath(রাজেন্দ্রনাথ). This temple was famous for it’s 9 wheel driven chariot(রথ), which is now missing too.

Few columns on the facade.

How to Go:

Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী) is located at the village Bolihar(বলিহার) which is around 17 kilometer from the Naogaon(নওগাঁ জেলা) town. It will be at the right side of the highway on the way of Kushumba Mosque. You can go there using reserve CNG vehicle from the Naogaon(নওগাঁ) town, that case it will be around 400-450 taka for reserving the vehicle, for round trip.

Also, you can use public transport. That case you have to take the Local bus of Naogaon-Rajshahi(নওগাঁ-রাজশাহী) or Naoga-Manda(নওগাঁ-মান্দা) and leave the bus near at Bolihar(বলিহার) on the highway. GPS coordinate of the dropping zone can be either (24°50’23.16″N, 88°48’45.77″E) or (24°50’12.00″N, 88°48’27.65″E). Both roads lead towards the Bolihar(বলিহার).

After leaving the bus, you can take any local Van, or tempo, if you are lucky. Or you can walk to reach the Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী) through the beautiful village scenes. GPS coordinate of the Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী) is (24°50’49.77″N, 88°48’26.58″E).

Raj-Rajeshwari temple(রাজ-রাজেশ্বরী মন্দির).
Raj-Rajeshwari temple(রাজ-রাজেশ্বরী মন্দির).
Raj-Rajeshwari temple(রাজ-রাজেশ্বরী মন্দির).
Stylish design atop of the Raj-Rajeshwari temple(রাজ-রাজেশ্বরী মন্দির).
Raj-Rajeshwari temple(রাজ-রাজেশ্বরী মন্দির).
View inside the temple through the locked iron door.
Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী).
Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী).
Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী).
Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী).
Nice decoration and columns at Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী).
Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী).
এখানে যারা আড্ডা দিতো, সেই মানুষগুলো হয়তো এখন আর নাই… কিন্তু কালের সাক্ষী হয়ে এইটা এখনও টিকে আছে আরোও কিছু দিনের জন্য…
This stairway leads towards a mammoth Jomidar Bari, which is vanished after standing around several centuries.
View of the entrance from the inside.
কালের সাক্ষী হয়ে থাকা বাড়ীর একাংশ… হয়তো কোনো একসময় কোনো এক কিশোরী দাডিয়ে থাকতো এখানে…

Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী),
Naogaon District,

This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog


  1. My late mother hailed from Bolihar and she was very attached to the place. Her Late father's name was Shri Makhan Sanyal, a lawyer and her late grandfather's name was Dr. Jogen Sanyal a qualified allopathic doctor. I visited the village in November, 1997 and have fond memories of the visit.