Gazipur: Bhawal Rajbarir Shoshan

Friday, 22 June 2012

After disappointed by visiting the Rajbari(রাজবাড়ি), I have moved a mile further to visit another place where Hindu people did cremation for dead bodies(though it was only used for the royal members of Vawal[ভাওয়াল]). This is far better than previous edifice. It is also known as Vawal Raj Shoshaneswari(ভাওয়াল রাজ শ্মশানেশ্বরী).

This funeral place is beside the Chilai river(চিলাই নদী) which is right now in moribund condition. Beside the old edifice, a newly built temple available. The GPS coordinate of the place is (24° 0’25.03″N, 90°25’50.63″E). If you have time, you can explore the proximity area.

How to Go:

Using Dhaka poribohon(ঢাকা পরিবহন), come to Shibbari(শিববাড়ি) of Joydebpur(জয়দেবপুর). From the Shibbari(শিববাড়ি) bus stand, ask to a rickshaw and he will take you there for 20-25 taka. The GPS coordinate of the place is (24° 0’25.03″N, 90°25’50.63″E).

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