Raikhong Lake

Bangladesh has very few lakes enlisted under populous tourist spot. Apart from the list, there are few lakes available around the country those can be a supreme destination for any traveler. Raikhong(রাইখং) lake is the most prominent from that promising list. I didn’t take any GPS device, but from Google Earth, I found the elevation of the lake has around 1165 ft.

This lake is situated at the Rangamati district, not at Bandarban. But, for its location, you have to go there through the Bandarban. I believe that will be the easiest way among all other available, because Rangamati offers communication throw water path only, and also the lake is at the last corner of Rangamati district. No matter how you are going, I’ll recommend you to pick an expert or guide with you.

Around the lake, you’ll find two villages, one is at the eastern bank of the lake, and other one is at western bank. Those villages are known as Pukur Para(পুকুর পারা). May be its because of having around the lake. Both the village denizens are Tripura, but religiously Christian. People from West side of the lake used to do uphill and downhill task to come at the lake, but at eastern side’s villagers can access the lake easily being so close of it, and having almost at flatland.

People also call this lake as PukurPara(পুকুর পারা) lake. Also from few local people I have heard them pronouncing the lake’s name as Raichong(রাইচং). Not sure which one will be the correct one. No matter what they are saying, or what we are, the beauty of the lake is not going to decrease by that.

Local people used to catch fish from the lake. There is no prohibition about catching fish from that giant lake. Tilapia(তেলাপিয়া) is the first choice from those fishes to stuck over the net of the fishermen. We have bought 4 kg of those fishes by 125 taka at one morning.

At the eastern corner of the lake, there is a tiny Jhiri(ঝিরি) generated from the lake water. probably that was created to keep the level of the lake water under control. During the rainy season the abundant water from the lake used to pass through that channel and used to join with the Raikhong Canal.

Being many hills around the lake, and the mysterious behavior from the sky, you’ll find different colorful scene at the lake water. Remember, half of the lake water is being untouched by the human. People don’t used to go those portions normally. So you’ll find that area of the lake more beautiful than the proximity of the locality.

There is a helipad available at the Pukurpara Army Camp. From that high land, you’ll probably get an picturesque aerial view of the lake. Due to lack of time I didn’t manage to go there to observe the lake from point. But you can give a try, just ask those armies, and they will allow you to use your camera to capture the beauties.

Swimming at this exquisite lake will be another charm. So don’t miss that opportunity. After a day long hard working, you can easily be refreshed and replete your energy within few minutes. The water of the lake is very clear, and unlike the Boga Lake, there are no marsh under the water, so you can swim freely. But before swim, make sure there are no nets on the water, otherwise you can be in danger.

High level government personnel used to visit the lake with their family. The used to come here using the helicopters! and stay at the army camp for a pleasing weekend. They are really lucky I must say.

If you never visited that lake before, start planning right now, and make your dream come true. Below a short video over the Raikhong Lake. Enjoy!


  1. I wish your bright future

  2. Very good work