Jamalpur: A glimpse of river Jamuna

Sunday, 19th December 2010

The glimpse of the mighty river Jamuna

Jamuna is one of the mighty and major river from Bangladesh. I have had a chance to visit this river from different parts of the country. This time its from a bit different and uncommon place. Its from Jamalpur, my home district. Once upon a time, when there was no “Jamuna Bridge” over this great river, this district, Jamalpur was the only hope to connect with “North Bengal” from this arena of the country.

Other side of the river(of course there is more water after this unwanted island) is Sirajganj District

There were two major Ferry and Launch Ghat(Doc/Jetty) at Jamalpur, one of those used to connect with Bogra district, and other one used to connect with Sirajganj district. After opening of the “Jamuna Bridge” over this river at Tangail district, those options are just demised.

People transporting Paddy crops after harvest

During my native village tour, I have went to a place named “Pingna”(but we local people pronounce this as Pigh-na) at Sharishabari Thana of Jamalpur. Its around 30/40 minutes of bike ride from my grandfather’s house. Also this place is near around the “Jagannath Ganj Ghat”(once upon a populous launch ghat).

These islands were raised due to lack of carelessness from our government

The river Jamuna here is forced to separated into several branches due to some massive islands those raised amid of the river by carelessness activities from our government(actually river control board). Still you can not see the main bank of the river, if you stand at one side. But, you still can see the secondary bank(island shore after water stream) easily. This moribund river doesn’t have that much water force(current) right now.

“Gone Fishing”, hobby or professional? forgot to ask.

From this place, its around 1 hour bus journey, and you’ll find “Jamuna Bridge”. I can remember, when the bridge got an opening, people around here used their bicycle to visit the largest bridge of Bangladesh, Jamuna. Some people used their own feet instead of any machine(FYI, no bus service that time was available from here).

Preparing a bait for the next catch

It was around 4:00 when I was enjoying the beauty of teal water from the river. Few local people were catching fish. You know catching fish is exciting, but boring for the spectators like me. But fortunately I have seen one of them caught one. Once upon a time, people around here used to live their life by catching fish from this great river. But now, fishes are deceasing like a magic as the river loses its strength.

Just caught a “Kal Baush”(fish from Bangladesh)

I can remember, when I have came this place during my childhood, it was hard to see anything other than water from the river bank. But now a days, this moribund river is thinking those heydays along with me. And we have nothing to do!?

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