Bandarban: Expedition Rumana, Day-5

Friday, 17th September 2010

Continuation from Day-4 expedition.

According to our team plan, our today’s trekking is starting from “Rumana Para” to “Boga Lake”. As always like previous days, we have started our walking at very early. I didn’t know what other members are thinking about starting early, but My plan was to reach the Ruma Bazar before 3.00 at afternoon, and catch and boat then bus, and reach at Bandarban town. From there leave Bandarban town for Rangamati. Cause my office is off for Saturday/Sunday, and wanted to enjoy Rangamati.

Another bright day at Rumana Para

Anyway, like other days, no breakfast, and team started to moving back with a faction of 3/4. These groups are created automatically based on the speed of individuals. I am a bit sluggish, and people around me were similar to me. It supposed to be a half an hour path, and then we will be at Sunsong Para. While passing the Army camp, we have waved our hands to say them(army) bye, and they have responded us spontaneously. In fact they were happy to see people like us from flatland coming around here.

Entering the Sunsong Para

By 6:30, we have reached at Sunsong Para. There is a small shop for local villagers used to sell some dry foods like “Bella Biscuits” and other stuffs. Some of us reached here a bit early, and they were waiting for us. This break lasted for 20 minutes before we left. Today’s sun is scorching, and I know it will make me black.

A white flower unknown to me

There is a special characteristics of a mountain. Everyday you will find this different, and thus you will not feel boring by watching this day after days. Last time when we were coming through the path, it had a different beauty under the cloudy sky. Now today, it looks bright under the blue sky. The jungle beside the path is fully bloomed with unknown white flower. Thousands of those are around there.

There is a half wooden bridge just beneath the Passing Para village(mountain from keokaradong range, about thousands feet from base to top.) Under the wooden bridge, there is a small stream flowing. We have collected fresh water from there, and recharged our energy. Today we are requiring break too frequently, because of the burning sun.

Gathering fresh oranges from trees

Near the bridge, there is a small area where we have found Orange trees. Not too much long, but straight upwards tree. You can not climb these trees, neither you can’t pick oranges from standing under that. So what to do? We have sticks at our hands. Hassan, and Tushar sharted to gather the oranges from tree by beating the oranges hanging on branches. From far, it looks like green skinned orange and may seems like not ripen well. But after piling one, we have found its completely ripen and inside is juicy orange colored.

After gathering few of those, we have started for climbing the passing para hill. From now, it will be continuously upwards for half an hour, and it will taste your strength. I was worried about the condition of the road. When we were coming through the path, i found it was a bit risky at some places, and I felt skittish at some places last days.

Beautiful mountain view from the “passing para”

Around 30 minutes, we have reached at the top of the high steep. I have taken few long breaks along with my mates at several places. At mountain, its hard to go upwards, but it has less risk. Most of the people don’t feel jumpy when they moves up(But going downwards is easy, but risky).

From the top, its almost plain straight road towards Passing Para. Once again, we have chosen the shop of “Robert Bawm”, and once again we are around the beautiful “Robek Bawm”, the wife of Robert. Once again, taking some dry foods here, and waiting for others to join us.

Robert and Robek Bawm’s daughter

When we have left the Passing Para, it was around 9 at morning. From here you can easily go to the “Jadupai Waterfall” by spending 1.5 hours for going down, and 2.5 hours for returning back. But interestingly I didn’t have this information at my mind. When we were resting at the top of the Keokaradong Peak, it just came to my mind, and none of use including me wanted to get back and visit the waterfall.

So, after doing some photo session at the top of the peak under the bright sun, we have started for “Boga Lake”. Today people are snapping the shots freely. Two days back, they were saving their camera battery, and the memory space for Final Destination(Zingsiam Saitar Waterfall). Since our objective is completed, and now they are doing this more cheerfully.

There is a turn at the path, where for the first time after 3 days our mobile phone devices started to sense the network coverage. Most of us just informed our family that we are all well and safe here, and will back home soon. For the first time at my life, I started to feel like something that i don’t know. May be its returning from jungle to town, or something like that, ineffable.

There is a waterfall named “Chingri Jhiri” and we were in hurry last time, and didn’t able to enjoy the beauty from here. But today we have lots of time, and few of us moved at the bottom of the waterfall. The waterfall is not visible from the main trek. You have to pass some large boulders for few minutes, and then you’ll be able to see that. From there it will take another few minutes to reach at the bottom of the waterfall.

Very unique waterfall, and a different kind of feelings when I have reached under the waterfall. Not too much water, but water spread over the rocks, and looks like a giant one. Most of the waterfall used to produce water with large drop, sometimes the stream is too thick. But this one has very tiny drops of water around. Some of us tried to reach at the top of the waterfall from bottom, but failed. There is another almost identical waterfall at the top(some of us just mentioned).

Well, party is over at “Chingri Jhiri”, few phlegmatic mates were waiting at the trek for us, they didn’t feel any interest to enjoy this waterfall due to bad physical condition(crams and other stuffs). Around the middle of the day we have reached at Boga lake. Its around 1.00 I think. I was interested to leave Boga Lake asap, and want to be at Ruma Bazar.

Hasnat, Partho, and Ruhi was interested to do so. But other members from the team didn’t want to stay at Ruma Bazar. Some of us wanted to stay at “Boga Mukh Para”. Many men many minds. So I have asked my team captain to make his decision. I have voted for staying at Boga lake for tonight, or leave for Ruma Bazar, I didn’t want to stay at “Boga Mukh Para”(just didn’t want to pass night at same village twice).

So, finally we have decided to stay at here. Hasnat, Partho, and Ruhi left immediately for Ruma bazar, through the trail that used to use by the vehicles. They didn’t want to use the “Jhiri Path” as they thought it will be harder and risky for them. But they didn’t know that it would be the harder one, as there will be no water, and the path is unnecessary long and having too much twists and turns around. At mountain, there is only one rules for the vehicles road. Either you go upwards, or go downwards, no flatland.

We were feeling sad for our three fellows by thinking their upcoming stress that they have to face. Anyway, its lunch time. We have cleaned our body at Boga Lake. Few of us enjoyed the swimming at lake. It was invigorating and enjoyable too. After lake party, we have jumped for lunch. Hell, we were hungry like a hound. I think most of us have taken a double meal today.

View of boga lake from our cottage

Last few days we used to sleep only at night, and that was on floor. But for the first time at this excursion, I have found few minutes to sleep at day time, and now its not on hard floor. The bed is soft(at that situation), and I couldn’t resist myself to throw my body for few minutes. From the window of the cottage, you can easily see the great Boga Lake. During the afternoon, the sky stared a harmless rain to make the beauty hundred times from usual one.

Our team captain was able to manage a goat, to make a mutton bar-b-q at night. I have some problem to watching the slaughtering skinning the animals, and I have stayed away from the processing. I have came out from the room after the sun down, and participating on the grilling on the limb of the mutton. Its still raining on the sky with 3/4 drops.

Grilling the mutton in front of Laram’s house

At night, after our dinner, when the grilling was done, we have gathered on Laram’s house, and started to enjoy the bar-b-q. I am not a connoisseur of eating grilled stuff. My friends enjoyed the party too much. It was grilled mutton with Marfa(like a cucumber, but larger). We had some local wine with use. Two bottle with different flavor. I have sipped once or twice from one of my mate’s glass. It was good, didn’t feel any stingy smell or anything like that(i have some problem at my nose :-p).

Now its goodnight time, and we all are tired, so went to the bed, and tried to get a sleep. Few of us vomited at night. Overall, it was another great day from the expedition, and we feel sorry for our mates those who didn’t stay there for the night. They missed the party tonight.

Next part at Day-6

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