Rumanapara Waterfall, Bandarban

Wednesday, 15th September 2010

Rumana Para, a tribal village is located at the source of “Ruma Khal”. You’ll find plenty of very small(3-5 feet tall) waterfalls around. Most nearest is a twin waterfall. It has no name. Since its near to the Rumana Para, lets call it Rumanapara Waterfall. If you are blessed with few days of staying at Rumana Para, then you can easily have a bath there. Local village people use this waterfall area for their washing and bath.

There is a small water basin beneath falls. I had my bath there, and swam at that tiny water pot. It was lovely to sunk myself inside that cold water. To get near the waterfall, you have to get down around 30-40 feet from the main walking road. Its a narrow path, and if its rainy season, it will be a bit hard to get down.

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