Mata Sagar and Sukh Sagar, Dinajpur

Mata sagar that is located in Dinajpur.

Apart from the Ramsagor of Dinajpur there are other two large lakes located in the town. The names of those lakes are Mata Sagor and Sukh Sagor. Both of those are similar in size, and none of those get dry during any season. The Sukh sagor is located near the Dinajpur Rajbari. This is just a few minutes of rickshaw drive from Rajbari. Most of the area of the Shukh sagor is occupied by local people who built their houses.

shukh sagar
View of Shukh sagar from the road beside.

It’s not far from the Sukh Sagor where the Mata Sagor is located. In my opinion, Mata Sagor is more attractive than the Sukh Sagor. Also this one is slightly larger than the Sukh Sagor. Also the water of this one is much clearer than the other one. Mata Sagor is located in the Rajarampur village of the Dinajpur town. Once upon a time, all the banks of the ponds were covered with very high boundaries. But due to the corruption of the local people those mounds are now gone. But still there are some of those available around.

mata sagar
Walking around the Mata sagar through this kind of path was really fun.

The word Sagor or Sagar means ocean. In the northern part of Bangladesh the ocean is really far. In the past whenever they saw a large pond or lake they started to call it Sagar to emphasize how vast the pond or lake is. So to the local people, these two lakes are a sort of ocean far away from the actual ocean.

shukh sagar
View of Shukh sagar.

After visiting the Dinajpur rajbari I hired a rickshaw driver to guide me around these ponds. We had to go through few village roads which are really amazing. During the road journey I was able to see lot of village activities like farmers are working (including male and female).

See more photos of these lakes and others from Dinajpur in my Photo gallery.

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog

Saturday, 22nd May 2010

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