Alta Dighi and Shalbon – Naogaon

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon

Altadighi (also Alta Dighi) is a name of a large pond and also a less heard travel destination from our country Bangladesh. This pond is the part of Altadighi national park. This is located exactly near at the India-Bangladesh border at the northern part of the country. During the ruling period of Raja Biswanath Jogoddol during 1400th century this place was having a serious scarcity of the water. To ease the water crisis the king decide to dig a pond for his peasants.

To decide about the length of the pond, the king requested his queen to walk until her foot bleeds. Thus the queen started walking and she already passed a long distance. The high officials thought that the King might not be able to dig such a large pond. So they have thrown Alta (a red color that Bangladeshi girls used to decorate their feet that time) on her feet and started shouting that her feet started to bleed. So she stopped at there. Local people believe this tale is the main reason to call this pond as Altadighi. Now a days there is a Shalbon located beside this dighi that comprises of various trees including Shal and Gojari.

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon

We have visited this place after exploring the Jogoddol Bihar. Our van driver was initially reluctant to provide us further service when we have finished our exploration at the Jogoddol Bihar. It was around 2:30pm of afternoon and his only focus was only on the lunch. But somehow I have convinced him to stay with us until the end of the day. This portion of our country was having a very poor transportation service. It was hard to get any kind of vehicles over there. So at any cost I had to keep him with us!

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon

It took around an hour or more to reach at the Altadighi from the Jogoddol Bihar. They van was moving slowly as the road was muddy at some places. Also we had to walk on the road when it was hard for a van to push with passengers. But the aesthetic beauty of the road and its surrounding was attractive. It was the month of harvesting and the fields beside the road was always covered with golden colored of ripen or nearly ripe crops. Since we were sitting idly on the van, we have enjoyed this beauty thoroughly.

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
It was an amazing road. We used this road to come at Alta Dighi from Jogoddol Bihar.

After reaching at the Altadighi, we have had a rest near a tea stall beside the pond. We have enjoyed an unique dish that is made from the sesame and puffed rice. It was a mouthwatering and very tasty dish. It was not like that we were too much hungry, it was really a tasty one. Our van driver also enjoyed this, basically he took this as his lunch. During his lunch we have enjoyed the Dighi for a while.

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
View of Altadighi.

Basically this this pond is not that much large one, but it has a significance. Very few portion of the pond resides inside the India. And lot of Bangladeshi tourists use to cross the border unknowingly while exploring the area. And thus they creates hassle for the local armed forces. So you should have to be careful when you go there. We were always careful and aware about this issue. We didn’t like to face any hazards during our travel!

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Alta Dighi with its pristine water.

After the short refreshment we have decided to explore the forest which is known as Shalbon. This forest is rich with lot of native plants which grow naturally. I don’t know most of the plant’s names except only few like Shal, Gojari, etc. Along with this natural trees I have found plenty of planted trees which were monitored by the forest department of Bangladesh. This forest is also profound with lot of native and uncommon birds which are hardly seen now a days. Unfortunately I don’t know most of their names.

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
You could walk around the pond through a path like this.

Most of the plants from the forest are deciduous. This is the beauty of the Shalbon. You’d find numerous leafs are trashing around under the trees. And whenever you walk over those you’d hear the lyrical murmuring sound from the leafs. We have had a short exploration around the forest. The forest should be a nice hideout for the foxes, snakes, mongoose, etc. But didn’t see or feel them any.

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Another view of the famous pond.

It was around 4:30pm in afternoon when we have returned back from the Altadighi. It was another 45 minutes of van ride until it dropped us at the Dhamoirhat bazaar. Again during returning the journey was really beautiful. It was typical village like path with typical Bangladeshi village. I always feel like going there again and again.

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon

How to Go:

It is not that much straightforward to go to Altadighi. First of all you have to go to the Dhamoirhat of Naogaon district. You can go here from the town of Joypurhat, or from the Naogaon district. Choice is yours. You’d find several local bus services around to go there.

From Dhamoirhat bazaar, just hire a van for 70-100 Taka that would drop you at the Altadighi. It will be a ride of 45 minutes. I’d suggest you to keep the van with you for round trip. FYI, the van means a manually pulled three wheeler vehicle.

GPS coordinate of the Altadighi is (25°10’51.44″N, 88°51’57.93″E).

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
This Shalbon has a beautiful road like this to walk. It has too many trees around and you’d never feel tired while walking around.

Where to Stay:

There is no suitable accommodation around the Altadighi. Best option for you would be to stay in the Joypurhat or Naogaon town. We’ve stayed in the Joypurhat town.

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Cane tree. Botanical name Calamus rotang

What else is nearby

Jogoddol bihar is very near from this Altadighi. You can visit that one before or after visiting this place. Read more about the Jogoddol Bihar.

Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Our high school teachers used to beat us using this similar stick, of course without the thorns. It was an inhuman task that they did to us and I still hate them for this!
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Another charming road inside the Shalbon.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
You’d find plenty of Gojari plants over there.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Dread leafs of the Shaal and Gojari plants. I like this stuffs and the murmuring sound when we walk over it!
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Just look at this beautiful path. It is totally covered with dead leafs and hardly any pedestrian has walked through it!
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
We had a walk through such forest like environment just only for a while as we were running out of time!
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
A falls, but not a waterfall, its just a leaf’s fall.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
We didn’t go through this. Just snapped this for a photo.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
It’s a quandary! Is it the ground holding the tree? or the tree is holding it’s ground? Isn’t it amazing to see?
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Its the fruit of Gojari tree. It can fly like a helicopter with the wings and thus it uses to disperse from its original location.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
One of my fellow mate is enjoying the beauty along inside this picturesque forest!
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
A new life through the deads! You should find this thing often during winter.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Another similar view inside the forest.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Local van or bicycle uses to use this path to cover long distance.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
A bindweed or a vine that is humping over the stem of a youngster tree!
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Lots of lots of dread leafs you’d find over there.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Crape Jasmine – Tabernaemontana coronaria
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Another view from inside the forest (aka Shalbon).
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
Another road inside the forest.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
More Gojari fruit pod. I have collected these to take a picture.
Alta Dighi, Shalbon, Naogaon
More Gojari fruit pods. I have collected these to take a picture.

Alta Dighi and Shalbon,
Naogaon district,
GPS Coordinate: (25°10’51.44″N, 88°51’57.93″E)

This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog

Friday, 17 May 2013


  1. Really mindblowing. Both the place and your style of expression for this picturesque place is just enchanting…