Baldha garden (Baldah garden). This is located in Wari (which is in older part of Dhaka). If you want to read or know more about this garden, then please read it from wikipedia yourself. As a part of the old Dhaka expedition, I was at the Wari. Also as a fan of plant and flowers I always had an interest on this garden as it is a great source of rare botanic plants. But I was really disappointed by the current situation of the garden. It seems like now a days it is a dating spot.

Inside the Baldha garden it is written about not to do any unsocial activities inside the garden, but who cares. Under the every trees males are simulating almost all sexual activities with their girl friends. Left, right, front, back, wherever direction you look it is always a same scenario. Even I saw couples were hugging each other beside the wall and everyone could see that. I think they don’t have any shame.

Many article like wikipedia, banglapedia, or the groups from facebook, I have heard about this place. And nowhere I have found any information about this issue. I think they are doing wrong by hiding the proper information. Cause you are inviting people to visit the place, but place is like a horrible place. What if anyone brings her family after reading your article?

There are two sections available for this Baldha garden. One section holds a collection of rare plants. But the entry for that section is restricted. I guess no one can go there except the authorities. I wanted to visit that one but couldn’t.

Baldha Garden,
Narinda Road,
District: Dhaka,
Country: Bangladesh,
GPS Coordinate (23°43’00.7″N, 90°25’10.0″E).
Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog alonelytraveler.com
Saturday, 17th April 2010
My father is 65 years old. When he was the student of Dhaka University he used to go there. After ages He came asked me about visiting hour. I tried to discourage him..but he is so excited to visit as he has nice memories in the place when he was young! GOD!
He is so gonna disappoint himself!
I was planning to visit this place on next weekend. Now I'm looking for a new destination.