Baniachong: Komola Ranir Dighi

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Komola Ranir Dighi (কমলা রানীর দীঘি) is located at the village Baniachong (বানিয়াচং) of Hobigonj district (হবিগঞ্জ জেলা). This is also known as Shagor Dighi (সাগর দীঘি) as its huge in size. During the 12th century King Poddonabh (পদ্মনাভ) has created this massive water tank to ease the water crisis of the peasant from the village. In our country Bangladesh, most of this kind of large water tanks have a similar story. This one is not out of that. After completion of digging the Dighi (দীঘি) didn’t get filled with water. The king saw a dream one night and he was ordered to sacrifice his wife into the Dighi (দীঘি) to get water in it. So the queen Komolaboti (কমলাবতী) sacrificed her life to get the Dighi (দীঘি) filled with water. That’s why the Dighi (দীঘি) is also known as Rani Komolabotir Dighi (রানী কমলাবতীর দীঘি). The length of the Dighi (দীঘি) is much more than the width. Probably the portion will be 1:4.

The days during April usually too much hot as its the beginning of the summer. But today the day started with a heavy rain and in fact we were in rain while coming to Baniachong (বানিয়াচং) using CNG driven vehicle. But the weather has changed into hot and humid after reaching here. We have taken a short stroll to locate the Dighi (দীঘি) using the GPS. And we didn’t have too much things to do in our hand as well. So we have passed an hour beside the Dighi (দীঘি) and enjoyed the local activities around (i.e. fishing, caring domestic animals, processing hays, etc). We were at the Northern side of the Dighi (দীঘি) and the gentle fresh South breeze was too much magical.

How to Go:

You can reach to Hobigonj district (হবিগঞ্জ জেলা) town using Bus from Dhaka easily. After that using CNG driven vehicle you can easily cone to Baniachong (বানিয়াচং). It will be 40 taka per person at CNG driven vehicle. GPS coordinate of the Komola Ranir Dighi (কমলা রানীর দীঘি) is (24°30’51.31″N, 91°21’30.22″E).

আমরা সবসময় একটা কথা বলি যে কেউ কিছু করলে দোষ হয়না, আমি করলেই দোষ… জি ভাই, আপনে করলেই দোষ… সবাই ময়লা ফালায়া ভাসায়া ফালাক, আপনে ফালাইয়েন না… কোথাও ঘুরতে যেয়ে কখনো জায়গাটাকে নোংরা করবেন না… কোনো ময়লা থাকলে তা ডাস্টবিনে ফেলুন, না হয় সাথে করে নিয়ে আসুন আর সুযোগ বুঝে জায়গা মতন ফেলে দিন…

Komola Ranir Dighi (কমলা রানীর দীঘি) / Shagor Dighi (সাগর দীঘি),
Village: Baniachong (বানিয়াচং),
District: Hobigonj (হবিগঞ্জ)
GPS Coordinate: 24°30’51.31″N, 91°21’30.22″E

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog

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