Brahmanbaria: Akashi Haor

Tuesday, 07 October 2014

After visiting the old building from Gokorno village we have headed for another destination. Amid of our journey we have encountered a lovely place beside our road that local people call as Akashi Haor (আকাশী হাওর). Though its a small one, but extraordinarily beautiful.

The word Akashi (আকাশী) means sky blue color and the word Haor (হাওর) means inundated water body that is created due to overflowing of nearby river. So combining the two words it means sky blue colored water body. And interestingly the color of the water was really bluish. The clouds from the sky easily reflect on the pristine water from the Haor (হাওর).

This Haor was on our left side of the road when we were returning (we were toward west, that means its on the southern side). Right side of the road was nevertheless beautiful than left one. On the right side, the water level has decreased, villagers have planted paddy on the fields. This is a special kind of paddy. These paddies can adjust their height with the height of water. That means it can easily survive regardless the water level.

Beautiful landscape at the other side of the road.

Also, few places were occupied with water there. So local people were doing fishing, and probably they will continue until the area dried up totally. Most of the fishing nets were having same design and structure (it was different from my native village). Also the style of fishing was a bit different from other area as well. During the road journey we have enjoyed the beauty from both side of that road. It was a different taste.

This type of fishing nets are vastly seen in this area.

How to Go:

First read this article to know how to go there. From there its a 15 minutes of rickshaw distance. GPS coordinate of the Akashi Haor (আকাশী হাওর) is (24° 8’5.40″N, 91°10’55.77″E).

Best time to visit this area will be the rainy season, which means the time between July-October in English calendar.

A boatman, probably placing his nets for fish.
The same boatman.
Hardworking men are pushing a huge boat.
Sky color of water from the Akashi Haor (আকাশী হাওর).
Sky color of water from the Akashi Haor (আকাশী হাওর).
A villager is returning home after fishing from the Haor (হাওর).
This road goes beside the Akashi Haor (আকাশী হাওর) which is on the left.
They use to keep fishes in this craft, made from bamboo.
Beautiful landscape. Green things are paddy fields.
Fishing beside the paddy fields.
This is probably a canal through the paddy fields.
A fisherman is working with his net.
Another beautiful landscape.
Water level is decreasing, but yet few left.
Empty fishing net.

Akashi Haor (আকাশী হাওর),
Upazela: Nasirnogor (নাসিরনগর),
District: Brahmanbaria (ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া),
Country: Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশ),
GPS coordinate: (24° 8’5.40″N, 91°10’55.77″E)

This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog

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