Buddhist Monastery in Maheshkhali island

Buddhist Monastery in Maheshkhali island

Apart from the Natural beauties from the Maheshkhali island the Buddhist Monastery (which is also known as Buddha Bihar) is another tourist attraction from the island. This monastery is near the dockyard of the island. The exact location of the monastery is at Boro Rakhaine Para in Gorakghata.

Buddhist Monastery in Maheshkhali island
A golden pagoda inside the Buddhist monastery.

Everyday lots of people use to come to this island to visit the monastery. There are several buildings available inside the monastery premise. Also inside the boundary I saw two pagodas which are golden colored. Both of them are similar in structure. Also there are several statues of the Lord Buddha available there too. One is a very large brass statue. The Buddhist people (most from Rakhaine tribe) use to come here for their regular prayer.

Buddhist Monastery in Maheshkhali island
Statue of Gorur around the Pagoda.

This Buddhist monastery didn’t require any entry fee. But one condition was not to use any shoes. So we had to go there using our bare feet. It was a very warm day in summer. And the open concrete floor was very hot to stand on. It was kind of an awkward experience. We had to run over and stand under a tree. Other than that the experience was really good.

Buddhist Monastery in Maheshkhali island
A statue of Lion beside the Pagoda.

How to Go:

I don’t know the GPS coordinates of the Buddhist monastery. But it won’t be very difficult to find. Just ask any rickshaw puller and he would give you there. For your information the monastery is located in Boro Rakhaine Para of Gorakghata.

Buddhist Monastery in Maheshkhali island
Statue of Lord Buddha inside the Buddhist monastery.

Where to stay:

It would be very hard for you to find a quality hotel in Moheshkhali island as most of these tourists go there as a part of their day trip. So it is better to stay in Cox’s Bazar for your nights. Cox’s Bazar is the most busiest tourist destination from Bangladesh. There are numerous hotels around the city which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of visitors. Look for the list of hotels in Cox’s Bazar here.

Buddhist Monastery in Maheshkhali island
A beautiful statue of Lord Buddha.

Buddhist Monastery (or Buddha bihar),
Boro Rakhaine Para,
Upazila: Moheshkhali,
District: Cox’s Bazar,
Country: Bangladesh.

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog alonelytraveler.com

Friday, 14th May 2010

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