Gopalganj: Beel Route Canal

Saturday, 22 June 2013 Arpara Munsi Bari is situated exactly beside the famous Beel Route Canal(বিল রুট ক্যানেল) of Gopalganj(গোপালগঞ্জ). So after visiting the Munsi Bari(মুন্সীবাড়ী), we have enjoyed our afternoon for a while at the bank of this canal. This is a straight canal that connects the river Arial…

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Gopalganj: Court Mosjid

Saturday, 22 June 2013 Court Mosjid(কোর্ট মসজিদ) is located at the center of the Gopalganj Sodor Upazela(গোপালগঞ্জ সদর উপজেলা). It is a nicely decorated mosque having a high minaret beside and a central dome atop of the mosque. The dome and the minaret is oriented with lot of small stars….

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Gopalganj: Arpara Munsi Bari

Arpara Munshi Bari(আড়পাড়া মুন্সীবাড়ী) is located near at Arpara(আড়পাড়া) of Gopalganj(গোপালগঞ্জ) district. This is situated beside a man-made straight canal named ‘Beel Route Canal’. This is mainly a two stored building and not that much older. But due to lack of care(and also the owner shifted to new place) it…

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