Jhenaidah: Satgachhia Mosque at Barobazar

Friday, 19 October 2012 Saatgachhia Mosjhid(সাতগাছিয়া মসজিদ) is a bit far from all the other mosques at Barobazar(বারোবাজার). This is around 4 kilometer apart from Baro bazar(বারো বাজার), just beside the barobazar-taherpur(বারোবাজার-তাহেরপুর) road. During the excavation, the mosque was found having few pillars and other things under the surface. Studying…

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Jhenaidah: Gorar Moshjid

Friday, 19 October 2012 Gorar Mosque(গোড়ার মসজিদ), it is another mosque from the Barobazar(বারোবাজার). In my opinion, this is the most popular mosque among all from that ancient city. The name of the mosque came from Gorai(গোরাই), who was a dorbesh(দরবেশ). It is assumed that Hosen Shah(হোসেন শাহ) or his…

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Jhenaidah: Marjat Baor

Friday, 19 October 2012 Marjat Baor(মরজাত বাওর) is located at the Kaliganj(কালীগঞ্জ) Upozila of Jhenaidah(ঝিনাইদহ) district. Before this trip, I was doing a homework on this district over the Google map. Suddenly an arc shaped lake caught my attention. Later came to know it is actually a Baor(বাওর), named Morjot…

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