Rajshahi: Puthia Rajbari & Temples

Saturday, 16 June 2012 Shib Mondir(শিব মন্দির) Puthia(পুঠিয়া) is located at 30 kilometers apart from the Rajshahi(রাজশাহী) town. Its beside the Rajshahi-Dhaka highway. This place has a Rajbari(রাজবাড়ী) and lot of different type of temples. The whole premise is surrounded by a lake which is acting as a boundary. Shib…

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Rajshahi: Beside river Padma

Sunday, 17 June 2012 Once upon a time the river Padma(পদ্মা নদী) was a fierce one near Rajshahi(রাজশাহী) town. I went there several times during my childhood. I can easily recall those memories. But by any means i couldn’t match those images with current one. Those tumultuous ambient are now…

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Rajshahi: Bagha Moshjid

Saturday, 16 June 2012 Bagha(বাঘা) is another antique mosque which was built during 1523. It is located at he Bagha(বাঘা) union of Rajshahi(রাজশাহী) district. According to the reliable sources like Banglapedia, the mosque was built by an independent sultan, named Nashrat Shah(নুসরাত শাহ). Like other ancient mosques of this country,…

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