Chapainawabganj: Daroshbari mosque

Friday, 22 June 2012

It was another scorching, sunny, bright day of my traveling. I was tired by exploring continually, but nothing could debilitated me from pushing forward. Whenever I felt tired, just took a short break, talked with the denizens, and refreshed.

So my next spot was Daroshbari Moshjid(দারস বাড়ী মসজিদ). It is another dilapidated mosque just a hundred meter apart from the Bangladesh-India border. Most of the parts of the mosque were dessicated with the time. Only few walls and the columns are standing, though those are after a through renovation.

The sagacious peoples who have vast knowledge about archaeology believe that the mosque was built during 1479. It was the ruling period of Sultan Shams Uddin Yusuf Shah(সুলতান শামস উদ্দীন ইউসুফ শাহ). The GPS coordinate of the mosque is (24°49’56.44″N, 88° 8’11.53″E).

A pond at the eastern side of the mosque.

How to Go:

There are several ways you can use to visit this archaic mosque. Here goes three for you.

1) Using direct bus from Chapai-nababganj(চাপাইনবাবগঞ্জ) to Sona Moshjid(সোনা মসজিদ) directly. 2) Using Bus from Chapainawabganj(চাপাইনবাবগঞ্জ) to Kansat(কানসাট), then from Kansat(কানসাট) to Sona Mosque(সোনা মসজিদ) using local votvoti(ভটভটি). 3) Using Bus from Rajshahi(রাজশাহী) to Chapainawabganj(চাপাইনবাবগঞ্জ), then using option (2) or (1).

After that, using a walk you can reach to this mosque. The gps of the mosque is (24°49’56.44″N, 88° 8’11.53″E).

Where to Stay:

I have stayed at Rajshahi town. I mean after visiting the place, i have returned back to Rajshahi town. You can stay at Chapai town if you want.

Remnant of the column of the mosque.

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