Easter Rising commemoration parade – Dublin

Easter Rising parade - Dublin

Easter rising was an armed insurrection against the British to the end their rule. This happened during the easter week of 1916. And this year 2016, during the easter it was the 100th anniversary of the incident. To commemorate the incident the Irish government has arranged several events. This Easter rising parade is one of them. The parade started at the St Stephen’s green and ended at Bolton street. I forgot the exact time but probably I was there around 10:00am at morning.

Easter Rising parade - Dublin

The St Patrick day’s parade just finished 10 days earlier. And the foreign visitors have left Dublin in the meantime as well. That’s why wasn’t expected overwhelming crowd during the parade. But this kind of parade doesn’t happen pretty often. That’s why plenty of crowd lined at the street for the parade. Also being a long parade route it was easy to stand beside the street. I was standing near the Dublinia.

Easter Rising parade - Dublin

Easter rising parade was participated by the army and other defense forces. I like the bagpiper music. There were plenty of bagpiper music along with drums and other parade instruments. Apart from the parade there had a display of armed vehicles. The street was having plenty of large screens as well. Those screens were showing the footages from other places where important events were happening (i.e. proclamation reading). I feel myself lucky to be in Dublin during the Easter rising parade. Cause another anniversary would be after 100 years from now.

Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin
Easter Rising parade - Dublin

Easter Rising commemoration parade – 2016,
List of hotels near Dublin.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog http://alonelytraveler.com/

Sunday, 27 March 2016

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