Faridpur Museum

faridpur museum

Faridpur museum is located in the town of Faridpur. Currently this small museum building is also known as Alimuzzaman Hall. It was established in 1977. The top of the museum building almost looks like a dome of a mosque (kind of an Arabian or Persian style).

faridpur museum

I was interested to visit this museum. It was on my bucket list for the district. But I went to the place twice in two days, and each day I found the museum was closed. Beside the museum building you’d find the Jasimuddin hall. This is currently occupied by the Zilla Parishad. Cultural programs like drama used to be held inside the hall each Friday. If you want to visit this place you’d need to ask the rickshaw driver for Jasimuddin hall as it is the landmark there.

kabi jashim uddin hall
Jashim Uddin hall that is beside the Faridpur Museum.

Faridpur Museum,
District: Faridpur,
Country: Bangladesh,
GPS Coordinate (23°36’18.2″N, 89°50’32.0″E).

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog alonelytraveler.com

Saturday, 19th June 2010

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