River Kumar from Faridpur

Kumar river, Faridpur

Kumar is a river from Faridpur district. This river probably originated from the main stream of the Padma, somewhere in Faridpur. From the Map, I have seen that the river still exists in Magura district. So I don’t know exactly where the Kumar river finished its course.

Kumar river, Faridpur

In ancient times most of the colonies were established beside a river, or beside a source of water. Faridpur is not different from others. This town was established beside the river Kumar. It is not that big compared to the other rivers from Bangladesh. But somehow this river had the reason to have a town beside it.

Kumar river, Faridpur

Kumar is a beautiful river. Especially around Ambikapur. I visited that village, and the road was almost parallel to the river. It was afternoon when I was enjoying the time beside the river. The scene was extraordinary when a village girl returned from the river after finishing her household work. Also it’s fabulous when the kids from the village are playing in river water.

Kumar river, Faridpur
A bridge is seen over the river Kumar. This diver has several bridges over it.

Kumar river, Faridpur
River Kumar, a small but beautiful river from Faridpur.

River Kumar,
District: Faridpur,
Country: Bangladesh.

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog alonelytraveler.com

Saturday, 19th June 2010

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