Faridpur zilla school

Faridpur zila school

Faridpur town has a lot of edifices that were built during the British colonial era. Faridpur Zilla School is one of those. This school was established in 1840. This is the oldest school from Faridpur district, and one of the oldest schools from Bangladesh. In the past people used to say this as the Mecca for the education of Bangladesh.

Faridpur zila school

Many famous people were students from this Faridpur Zilla School. Famous Bangladeshi folklore poet (palli kobi) Jasim Uddin is one of the many who was from the school. He matriculated from that school in 1921 successfully. The quality of the school is still high as before. Even in the current day it’s really hard to get an admission in this school, unless you are a topnotch student.

Faridpur zila school

The red old building from the Zilla School is still looking gorgeous. You could easily say that it was built during the British era. I visited the school while exploring the city using a three wheeler vehicle. It was during the afternoon and the school premise was almost empty, except few lads were playing basketball inside the school premise.

Faridpur zila school
Teenage boys are playing basketball inside the school premises.

Faridpur zila school
Faridpur Zilla School is one of the oldest schools in Bangladesh.

Faridpur Zilla School,
District: Faridpur,
Country: Bangladesh,
GPS coordinate (23°36’31.5″N, 89°50’38.1″E).

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog alonelytraveler.com

Saturday, 19th June 2010


  1. My father Prof Hem Chandra Ray studied here.