Gopalganj twin temple – Dinajpur

Twin temple located in Dinajpur. It is also known as Gopalganj jora mondir.

Gopalganj twin temple (also known as Gopalganj jora moth) is located in Gopalganj village of Dinajpur district. There it has two nice old style temples (locally known as moth or mandir) having a distance between 100 meter or so. The condition of both the temples are very poor and the villagers have already occupied the surroundings. Both the temples are in a dilapidated condition because of lack of care.

dinajpur twin temple

However, both of those temples have stairs to take you to the top of the temples. Stairs are through a very narrow path and also have no lights. The steps of the stairs are almost level, so it was hard to get to the top. I was a bit nervous because of the darkness and the rough condition of the temple. I only climbed till the second floor and didn’t go to the third one. 

dinajpur twin temple

I was able to see the other temple from the second floor. I don’t know who was the owner of the temples and when those were built. If anyone has any interest in the old architecture and history then they should visit this Twin temple.

dinajpur twin temple

Ask local people for direction

While returning from the Kantajew temple I left the bus near the stoppage at the village Gopalganj to visit this Twin temple. This is an old temple and almost in ruins. No one is taking any care of the temple these days. If you ask local people about Twin temple they could not respond, cause they don’t know the temple by this name. I had to ask them about Jora Mondir or Jora Moth which is the Bangla of Twin temples. And it worked. I got a direction from one guy to go there.

dinajpur twin temple
A dark and narrow stair inside the temple.

If you take any rickshaw from the bus stoppage that would be better for you. Because it’s a fair amount of distance from the bus stoppage. But I walked there. Although I didn’t enjoy walking. Two reasons, one was the scorching sun, and the other one was the dusty road condition. I guess because of the summer the road was full of dust. During the rainy season I’d expect muds there.

dinajpur twin temple

Anyway, finally I have reached the Twin temple after asking several local people. Inside the village you’d find two temples having 100 meters distance. The vicinity of the temples are acquired by the local people, and they have built their own houses around the temple. A family from nearby was very enthusiastic about my visit. They were with me during the exploration of both the temples. They provided a kind of guided tour around the temple. and I am thankful to them for the help.

dinajpur twin temple
The temple is covered with plants and also the surrounding area is occupied by the local people.

dinajpur twin temple
Inside the temple.

dinajpur twin temple
Entrance to the second temple.

dinajpur twin temple
Condition of the top of the temple is like this. Which is a bit risky.

dinajpur twin temple
Another narrow passage to climb to the top of the temple.

Gopalganj twin temple (Gopalganj jora mondir),
Village: Gopalganj,
District: Dinajpur,
Country: Bangladesh

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog

Sunday, 23rd May 2010

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