Gorai is the second largest river from Kushtia district after river Padma. The main town of the Kushtia district is situated by the river Gorai. This river originated from the Padma river in Kushtia. Throughout Kushtia this is known as the Gorai river. But after that this is known as Madhumati river for a while and then before falling into Bay of Bengal it is Baleswar river. In current days the condition of the river is not good as during the dry season you could see barely any water in it. In fact anyone could cross the river by walking and even without wetting their feet. Once upon a mighty river, this Gorai is only beautiful during or after the rainy season.

It was a very dry season and I found it was really hard to find any sign of water in the Gorai river. After the river Padma, Gorai is the second largest river in the Kushtia district. During the rainy season river Gorai is a ferocious one. This is noticeably wide to proclaim as a giant river. Instead of the water I had to explore a river full of white sand in the middle of the river. I wandered around the river for a while. But it was quite a difficult task due to the hot Bangladeshi summer weather. Later I walked over the Gorai bridge to cross it on foot.

This river Gorai has a couple of bridges over it. One is for the train communication and the other one is for the regular road communication. The train bridge is older one, approximately 150 years of old, and was built by the British. The second one is the newer one and known as Mir Mosharaf Hossain Bridge.

I spent some time to watch the sunrise over this river Gorai. It was very early in the morning and the weather was slightly chilling despite of summer. That portion of the river had a bamboo bridge on it which was helping thousands of people who were going to the town to start their daily walk.

River Gorai
District: Kushtia,
Country: Bangladesh
Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog alonelytraveler.com
Saturday, 8th May 2010