Habiganj: Remaining of Baniachong Jomidar Bari

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Baniachong (বানিয়াচং) is a village from Hobiganj district (হবিগঞ্জ জেলা). This is the largest village from the Asia (some people believe this is even biggest from the world). In our Bangladesh’s administrative architecture a village is under the authority of an Union (ইউনিয়ন). But here in Baniachong (বানিয়াচং) they have total four Union (ইউনিয়ন) inside the village. But that is not our today’s topic. I am going to share about an Old Jomidar Bari (জমিদার বাড়ী) from this Baniachong (বানিয়াচং) village.

I do not have much information regarding this Jomidar Bari (জমিদার বাড়ী). Main buildings are collapsed and only few portion of the walls are remaining. No one could tell about the exact build date for the edifices. From a written address from a billboard type of wall of a building it is found “Yahiya Fish Industries Private Limited, Rajbari”. Probably Yahiya (ইয়াহিয়া) was the name of one from the decedents. The build date was written there 1960. But there was nothing written about old dilapidated buildings. Those could be 120-150 years of old from my observation (or slightly more). And also I believe those were not massive edifice as I have seen from the other parts from our country. By the way, now a days people call this building as Ali Raja Shaheber Bari (আলী রাজা সাহেবের বাড়ী) or Ali Reja Shaheber Bari (আলী রেজা সাহেবের বাড়ী). But I do not know whether he was the founder of this Jomidari (জমিদারী) or not.

The remaining building from the premise is a Do-Chala (দোচালা) type house (similar to our village houses), but this one was built with bricks entirely. The dimension of the building probably be 20 ft x 35 ft from rough estimation. There is a small pond available beside this building (may be people do boating here as afternoon recreation). Also there is an old mosque available at the entrance of the premise. I don’t know how much older the mosque is, but probably should be around 50/60 years old at least.

How to Go:

You can reach to Hobigonj district (হবিগঞ্জ জেলা) town using Bus from Dhaka easily. After that using CNG driven vehicle you can easily cone to Baniachong (বানিয়াচং). It will be 40 taka per person at CNG driven vehicle. GPS coordinate of the Jomidar Bari (জমিদার বাড়ী) is (24°31’35.90″N, 91°21’35.54″E)

Where to Stay:

There is a night staying facility inside the premise (similar to a small resort). I believe this is not started in full fledged yet. But you can try to spend a night if you have time in hand.

This is probably the last building that is remaining in original shape.

A pond near the building for after noon boating probably.

A mosque of the Jomidar Bari.

A small minaret, probably for calling Azan (আজান) when there was no loud speaker.

Stylish architecture found atop of a corner of the mosque.

Baniachong Jomidar Bari (বানিয়াচং জমিদার বাড়ী),
Village: Baniachong (বানিয়াচং),
District: Hobigonj (হবিগঞ্জ)
GPS Coordinate: 24°31’35.90″N, 91°21’35.54″E

This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog http://icwow.blogspot.com/


  1. if everybody should be protect this buildings, after generation could be known it's history
    tnx writer for written to mysterious place..