Idrakpur fort in Munshiganj

Idrakpur fort is located in Munshiganj, Bangladesh

Idrakpur fort is located at the center of the Munshiganj town that was built by Mir Jumla II (who was a Subadar or governor of Bengal). He built this small fort beside the river during 1660. That time river Ichhamati was almost near to the fort, which now a days has changed its course a bit further. In Bangla this fort is known as Idrakpur kella or Idrakpur Durjo. This fort is smaller than the fort of Hajiganj and Shonakanda (which are located in Narayanganj).

Idrakpur fort munshiganj

The purpose of the Idrakpur fort was to protect the Dhaka and Narayanganj from the pirates (i.e. Portuguese pirates). The size of the fort is 82m x 72m a rectangular shape. It has a round shaped bastion at each corner of the fort. It has a bigger bastion at the middle (front) which probably used to put cannon to intimidate the pirates. To shoot the gun the fort wall has rectangular holes, through which the guards could see and fire.

Idrakpur fort munshiganj
Main entrance for the Idrakpur fort (which is also known as Idrakpur Kella).

The main gate of the fort is at the North side. Inside the fort premises it has a small pond. In 1949 the government declared Idrakpur fort as a protected architecture. But since then they didn’t take any initiative (apart from painting it into pink) to make it as an attractive tourist spot. The good thing is when I visited this place in 2010 it had houses on top of the fort. Recently government has taken down those houses which is really appreciable.

Idrakpur fort munshiganj

How to Go:

There are several bus services run between Gulistan and Munshiganj town. Such buses are Nayan paribahan, Dhaka transport, etc. Using those buses you could reach in Munshiganj by approximately two hours. From the bus stoppage this Idrakpur fort is only few minutes of walking distance. Alternately you could take a CNG driven auto rickshaw which are available from Postogola.

Idrakpur fort munshiganj
Guards of the fort could aim their guns through these holes.

Where to stay:

Interestingly I didn’t find any suitable hotels to stay in Munshiganj town. This district has few resorts (i.e. Padma resort) which are at the other side, and far from this place. So it is better to make a day trip from Dhaka. During my tour it rained a lot at mid day. So I took a room in a hotel to have a nap. I would have stayed in Munshiganj that day if the room quality was good. Instead I returned back on that evening by making it a day trip.

Idrakpur fort munshiganj
The ring of the main bastion of the fort.

Idrakpur fort munshiganj
Stairs to go to the top of the fort.

Idrakpur fort munshiganj
A corner of Idrakpur fort.

Idrakpur fort (or Idrakpur Kella),
Munshiganj town,
District: Munshiganj,
Country: Bangladesh,
GPS coordinate (23°32’50.7″N, 90°32’03.0″E).

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog

Saturday, 05 June 2010


  1. Yeas I know Munshiganj Idrakpur Fort is a nice place in Munshiganj Town. I visited more time this fort. Any body can visit this fort.

  2. What else can be seen in Munshiganj?

  3. Thanks 4 published these pictures. I was born in Munshiganj. Somtimes I went there 2 visit the Idhrakpur Kella. It's a cheerful place.

  4. Nice place,I visited few months ago.

  5. আমিও যাবো, আপনারাও ঘুরে আসুন। ধ্বংস হয়ে যাবে। সুদূর ভবিষ্যতেই। ইন্দ্রকপুর দুর্গ