River Arial Khan – Madaripur

Arial Khan River

Arial Khan is a famous river from Bangladesh. It originated from the river Padma in Faridpur. After that it flows through Madaripur district. In Barisal this river probably changed its name as Kirtonkhola. River Arial Khan flows through other districts under different names before falling into the Bay of Bengal. This river is navigable throughout the year. Having too many bends and too much flow in water cause frequent erosion by this river. 

Arial Khan River

The main town of Madaripur is situated beside Arial Khan river. This river meandered through the district all along and wherever you visit the district you’d encounter the river or a branch of the river. After crossing the ferry from Mawa Ghat you have to cross the Arial Khan Bridge that connects the southern portion of the country. Also, just near Madaripur town it has a ferry over Arial Khan to connect Sariatpur district with it.

Arial Khan River

My visit was during the rainy season. The river was full of water and seemed like it was near flooding. I took a few nice photos of the river from the running bus while it was crossing the bridge. It was just before sunset, probably 5:30pm. The sky was clean and blue.

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog alonelytraveler.com

Sunday, 04th July 2010

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