Mirzanogor Hammamkhana is a strange architecture if you do not know much about it. Because only this edifice exists nowadays, and the rest of its contemporary edifices have vanished with the time. This is basically a bathroom (or shower room). A huge fort-like mansion was available near this place. People from that mansion used to take a bath here. But nowadays only this building is available and it’s in the middle of a village surrounded by trees and fields. Check the photo gallery of Jessore for more pictures.
This is known as Hammamkhana, located at the village Mirzanogor of Trimohini Union of Keshobpur. Trimohini is a place where a river creates two branches, one is Kopotakkho river, and other one is Buri bhodra river. Both of the rivers are moribund in condition nowadays. A Fouzdar named Mirza Safsi Khan lived here. Actually he created that fort like mansion along with this Hammamkhana. The village name Mirzanogor is taken after him. He was the son of brother-in-law of Shah Suja, a Subedar of Bengal.

Mirzanogor Hammamkhana has three domes at the top. Each of the domes has a room under those. Spherical shaped domes have a hole in the middle of those. It is probably to have the sunlight to pass through to aid the lighting system. Rooms are much darker inside as only one window is available each at the first two rooms, and those are very small in size. The rooms have several bathtubs and each of those are having different shapes, sizes, and heights.
Eastern side of the Hammamkhana has a water well inside that is round in shape. The servants fetched water from that well and poured it into the bathtubs which are at the roof. The water from those tubs got heated by the sunlight. Later the water was sent to the bathtubs inside the room through a pipe made from burnt bricks. This was such an interesting arrangement for the aristocrat family of that time. But nowadays the inside is heavily littered. If proper care is taken, and with proper advertisement this place could become a unique tourist attraction not only in Jessore but also in Bangladesh.
It was after 05:00 pm in the afternoon when we reached Mirzanogor Hammamkhana. Also the place was surrounded by lot of trees. So it was slightly darker outside, and inside was much darker. Most of the photos in this article were taken using the night mode settings of the camera. We came here immediately after visiting the Shekhpura Mosque. After visiting this place, we went to visit the Khajura Baor which was very near from this place.
How to go
Mirzanogor Hammamkhana is located at the village Mirzanogor of Trimohini union of Keshobpur. Basically this place is a few minutes before the Trimohini Bazaar. The GPS coordinate of the Trimohini Bazaar is (22°54’22.76″N, 89° 8’18.79″E). Anyway, you can come here using several routes and options.
1) Jessore – Monirampur – Keshabpur – Trimohini.
2) Jessore – Monirampur – Rajganj – Trimohini.
From Trimohini, you can take a van or motorbike to reach this place. Or you can have a walk if you want. The GPS coordinate of the Mirzanogor Hammamkhana is (22°53’52.24″N, 89° 8’49.01″E).
Where to stay
There are few hotels available in Jessore and Khulna. But most of them are not available to book from online. If you want a comfortable hotel then I’d suggest you to stay in Khulna as they have quite a few international quality hotels over there. You can use the below search box to see hotels from Khulna.
Mirzanogor Hammamkhana,
Village: Mirjanogor,
Union: Trimohini,
Upazela: Keshabpur,
District: Jessore,
Country: Bangladesh
GPS Coordinate (22°53’52.24″N, 89° 8’49.01″E).
This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog alonelytraveler.com
Friday, 21 June 2013