Naogaon: Jogoddol Bihar

Friday, 17 May 2013

Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার) is another archaeological site from Bangladesh. It is located at the Naogaon District(নওগাঁ জেলা) of our country. This site is discovered in recent time and still the excavation and restoration is in progress. Lot of statue and other stuffs have been found during this excavation.

It was during the ‘Jumma prayer‘ when we have reached at the Hortoki Danga(হরতকী ডাঙ্গা) bazaar. People were busy with their prayer. So we didn’t find any van or any other vehicles for a lift. After waiting around half an hour(or more), we have found a van that agreed to drop us at the Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার). He wasn’t interested to go further, but somehow I have convinced him to stay with us till the sunset. We have explored few other places with this same van driver later.

Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার) is quite a serene place despite of having locality around it. Few portion is restored, and other parts were still under excavation process. We have explored this place for around half an hour. This place is like a high mound and standing on the mound you can see the village beauty around too along with the Bihar(বিহার).

How to Go:

It is a less traveled place from Bangladesh. But local people are aware about this place, and also you’ll find the signboard on the roadside that is placed by the Department of Archaeology. To reach this place, below is the direction.

1) First come to the Hortoki Danga(হরতকী ডাঙ্গা) of Dhamoirhat Upazela(ধামইরহাট উপজেলা) of Naogaon District(নওগাঁ জেলা). Local people pronounce this as Hortti Danga(হর্ত্তী ডাঙ্গা). You can come here by using the Bus of Naogaon-Dhamoirhat(নওগাঁ-ধামইরহাট) from Naogaon District(নওগাঁ জেলা).

2) From the Hortoki Danga(হরতকী ডাঙ্গা) bus stoppage, hire a van to reach at the Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার). It will take around 15-20 minutes. GPS Coordinate of the Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার) is (25° 9’31.96″N, 88°53’15.33″E).

This part is restored I think.

Reconstruction is going on.

Work in progress.

View of nature beside the Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার).

A snake underneath the tree beside the Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার).

A snake underneath the tree beside the Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার).

Carpet like grass at Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার).

Jogoddol Bihar(জগদ্দল বিহার),
Naogaon District(নওগাঁ জেলা),

This article is written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog

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