Naogaon: Kushumba Shahi Mosjid

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Kushumba Shahi Mosjid(কুসুম্বা শাহী মসজিদ) or Kushumba Mosjid(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ) is a historical mosque that is located at the Manda Upozila(মান্দা উপজেলা) of Naogaon district(নওগাঁ জেলা). More specifically, the mosque is situated at the Kushumba(কুসুম্বা) village which is at the western bank of the great river Atrai(আত্রাই নদী).

Kushumba mosque(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ) is a six dome mosque that was built during 1558-1559, the regime of Afgan. It was built by someone named Sulayman(সুলাইমান) who was possibly a high ranked servant of that regime. The mosque is built from brick but few pillars are made from stone. Also the outer part of the mosque is pasted with stone. Several artwork is found at the walls of the mosque.

Kushumba mosque is also known as Kala Pahar(কালা পাহাড়), Kala Rotno(কালা রত্ন) which means Black Pearl. Possible reason: During the massive earthquake of 1897 the mosque was damaged severely, but stood firmly. Another reason can be for such name is the black plaster of stones at the outer wall.

There is a very large water tank available at the eastern side of the mosque. It was made to supply water for the villagers as well as for the Musolli(মুসল্লি) of the mosque. Also, the great river Atrai(আত্রাই নদী) is flowing just a few kilometers apart from the mosque.

How to Go:

Kushumba mosque(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ) is exactly 35 kilometer apart from the Naogaon(নওগাঁ) town. You can use both local buses or reserved CNG driven auto rickshaw to reach at the mosque. We have hired CNG for 600 taka for round trip from the Naogaon(নওগাঁ) town. Also while returning, we have visited the Bolihar Jomidar Bari(বলিহার জমিদার বাড়ী) using the same vehicle. It was under the same contract that we have made with the auto driver.

1) Local bus of Rajshahi(রাজশাহী) or Manda(মান্দা) is available from the Baludanga(বালুডাংগা) bus terminal which is 5 kilometer away from the Naogaon(নওগাঁ) town. I do not know anything about bus fare and how long it will take.

2) Another option can be CNG auto rickshaw. It will cost you 500-600 taka for a round trip between Kushumba(কুসুম্বা) mosque and the Naogao(নওগাঁ) town. It taks only 50 minutes to reach near to the mosque from the town.

GPS Coordinate of the mosque is(24°45’7.59″N, 88°40’51.49″E).


The famous river of north Bengal which is a tributary to the Cholon beel(চলন বিল) named Atrai(আত্রাই নদী) is very near from Kushumba Mosjid(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ). You can have a small break there on your way. GPS coordinate of the Atrai river(আত্রাই নদী) and the bridge is(24°46’34.44″N, 88°42’14.00″E).

Artwork at the outer wall of the mosque

One kind of window that also ventilates inside.

A Pillar of the mosque.

Side view of the mosque.

A giant Tamarind(তেঁতুল) tree is beside the mosque.

A giant Tamarind(তেঁতুল) tree is beside the mosque.

Kushumba Mosque dighi(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ দীঘি).

Kushumba Mosque dighi(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ দীঘি).

Kushumba Mosque dighi(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ দীঘি).

Kushumba Mosque dighi(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ দীঘি).

Kushumba Mosque dighi(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ দীঘি).

The stair of the dighi(দীঘি) and the dome of the mosque.

Atrai Nodi(আত্রাই নদী) on the way of Kushumba mosque(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ).

Atrai Nodi(আত্রাই নদী) on the way of Kushumba mosque(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ).

Atrai Nodi(আত্রাই নদী) on the way of Kushumba mosque(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ).

Atrai Nodi(আত্রাই নদী) on the way of Kushumba mosque(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ).

Kushumba Mosque, Manda Upozila, Naogao District, Bangladesh.
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