Northbrook hall is located in Farashganj of Old Dhaka. Most of the people from the Old Dhaka know this Northbrok hall as Lal Kuthi (which means the red building). The color of the building is red and it was built during the British colonial period. This building was named after Baron Northbrook, a viceroy of India (1872-1876). Now a days this hall uses to arrange Drama at every Friday 5-9 PM. The ticket price is 20 Taka per person.

This building has both the Mughal Style and European style. The window, doors, and the walls are ornate using European style. But the domes at the top of the building are having Mughal style.

This Northbrook hall is located just beside the Buriganga river. The location of the hall is 60, BK Das road, Farashganj. It has lost its attraction for the Farashganj building at the left side of the hall and a community center at the right side of the hall. Both of those just ate the premise of the hall. The government has declared this edifice as protected one due to having archaeological value. GPS coordinate of Northbrook hall is (23°42’16.4″N, 90°24’44.9″E).

How to Go:
As the Old Dhaka is very much congested with plenty of buildings, it would be very easy to use a rickshaw to go there. Take a rickshaw anywhere from Gulistan or Dhaka university area and ask them to take you at the Laal Kuthi (as they don’t know the English name). GPS coordinate of Northbrook hall is (23°42’16.4″N, 90°24’44.9″E)

Northbrook Hall (Laal kuthi),
Old Dhaka,
Country: Bangladesh,
GPS coordinate (23°42’16.4″N, 90°24’44.9″E).
Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog alonelytraveler.com
Saturday, 24th April 2010