Pabna: Handial Jogonnath Mondir

Friday, 28 September 2012

Handial(হান্ডিয়াল) is a village name from the Chatmohor Upozila(চাটমোহর, উপজেলা পাবনা) of Bangladesh. There is an old temple located that village. Name of the Temple is Jogonnath Mondir(জগন্নাথ মন্দির). As it is located at the Handial(হান্ডিয়াল) village, it is known as Handial Mondir(হান্ডিয়াল মন্দির) too.

It is a single door small sized temple which was built using bricks. This temple getting narrower as it is progressing upwards. Only the front wall of the temple has some terracotta. The temple is placed over a high plinth.

From the inscription, its found that the temple was reconstructed by someone named Bhobani Proshad(ভবানী প্রসাদ) during 1590. But scholars are assuming that the temple was built even another 100 years before from that time.

The whole temple premise is under a boundary. Another two newly temples are being constructed at the both side of the old temple. There is a small chariot(রথ) available inside the premise. Also, a Mondop(মন্ডপ) is available for the upcoming Hindu festival Durga Puja(দূর্গা পূজা).

The Thakur of the temple was very generous. He was very happy to see some tourists like us were exploring his area. He has invited us to stay there for that night. After hearing our intention too explore Cholon Beel(চলন বিল), he then requested us to have the lunch there. But we have refused his offer kindly as we were running out of time.

How to Go:

We have dropped at Kachhi Kata(কাছিকাটা) on the Natore-Dhaka(নাটোর-ঢাকা) highway. From there we have reached to the Chhaikula(ছাইকুলা) Ghat using van. It was 40 Taka ride for 4 of us. From the boat ghat, we have hired an engine boat for the whole day. Using that long boat we have reached to the Handial(হান্ডিয়াল) village and visited the temple.

But there are other ways which you can use to reach near the temple. You can come from the Chatmohor Upozila(চাটমোহর উপজেলা) using CNG auto vehicle. But that will be a long way. Another way is from Mohishluti(মহিষলুটি) which is located at the Dhaka-Natore(নাটোর-ঢাকা) highway. From there you can reach to the temple using CNG auto vehicle or using a van.

Terracotta on the front wall of the temple.

Terracotta on the front wall of the temple.

new one is under construction.

Hindu gods and goddesses are on the same stage.

A small Chariot.


  1. আমি হান্ডিয়াল ইউনিয়নের ছেলে।