Suptadhara waterfall in Sitakunda – Chittagong

Sitakunda eco-park from Chittagong district has two waterfalls, one of them is known as Suptadhara waterfall. This waterfall remains dormant throughout the year, except during the rainy season. If you are there during the rainy season then you’d be able to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall full of water….
A day trip to Sitakunda eco park – Chittagong
Dublin castle in afternoon – Ireland
Dublin castle is the most famous edifice from Dublin (or even whole island of Ireland). This famous castle was built around 800 years ago (opened at 1204 AD). Though nothing much left from this medieval castle except the lonely tower. This castle draws plenty of attractions from the Dublin visitors…
Bray air show 2017 – Ireland
The annual air display held at Sunday, 23 July 2017 in Bray. It was a lovely sunny day and plenty of people gathered at the beach of Bray. Also lot of enthusiastic people were gathered at the top of the hill as well. One report says it was around 90…
Easter Rising commemoration parade – Dublin
Easter rising was an armed insurrection against the British to the end their rule. This happened during the easter week of 1916. And this year 2016, during the easter it was the 100th anniversary of the incident. To commemorate the incident the Irish government has arranged several events. This Easter…