Jhalakathi: Kirtipasha Jomidar Bari

Friday, 02 January 2015 Kirtipasha Jomidar Bari (কীর্ত্তিপাশা জমিদার বাড়ী) is located at the village Kirtipasha (কীর্ত্তিপাশা) of Jhalokathi district (ঝালকাঠি জেলা). This is probably a century old house. Right now it is abandoned and in a dilapidated condition. For most of the cases only the walls are standing, and…

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Narsingdi: Atkandi Neelkuthi Mosque

Friday, 21 November 2014 It was mainly a bird watching trip. We have started our walking from the Narsingdi town (নরসিংদী টাউন) and our destination was this Atkandi Neelkuthi Mosque (আটকান্দি নীলকুঠি মসজিদ). After a walk of more than 5 hours we have reached near to this mosque. Well, we…

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