Jagannath temple – Comilla

Jagannath temple, Comilla

Jagannath temple is probably the oldest Temple from Comilla district. It was built by the King of Tripura named Moharaja Rada Kishor Manikuo Bahadur during the 16th century. This temple worships the gods Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra. Statues of those gods were initially placed at the temple of Tripura, but…

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Feni: Pagla Miyar Mazar

Friday, 15 March 2013 Feni(ফেনী) is a very small district from Bangladesh and it has very few things to explore from the main town. If you have time while staying at Feni(ফেনী), you can visit this Pagla Miar Mazar(পাগলা মিঞাঁর মাজার). Though it is named as Pagla Miyar Mazar(পাগলা মিঞাঁর…

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Joypurhat: Baro Shibaloy Mondir

Friday, 17 May 2013 Baro Shibaloy(বার শিবালয়) is an unique temple that is located beside the Chhoto Jomuna river(ছোট য্মুনা নদী) of Bel-Amla(বেল-আমলা) village which is around 4 kilometer apart from the Joypurhat(জয়্পুরহাট) District of Bangladesh. I haven’t heard/seen anything even near similar to this temple before. This temple compound…

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Naogaon: Kushumba Shahi Mosjid

Saturday, 18 May 2013 Kushumba Shahi Mosjid(কুসুম্বা শাহী মসজিদ) or Kushumba Mosjid(কুসুম্বা মসজিদ) is a historical mosque that is located at the Manda Upozila(মান্দা উপজেলা) of Naogaon district(নওগাঁ জেলা). More specifically, the mosque is situated at the Kushumba(কুসুম্বা) village which is at the western bank of the great river Atrai(আত্রাই…

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Joypurhat: Lokma Jomidar Bari

Friday, 17 May 2013 This is about a Jomidar Bari(জমিদার বাড়ি) that is located exactly at the India-Bangladesh border. Possibly this is the only Jomidar Bari(জমিদার বাড়ি) that is located at the country’s border. It is known as Lokma Jomidar Bari(লকমা জমিদার বাড়ি). This is few mile after the Koriya…

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