Shyamshiddhir moth – Munshiganj
Shanti Babur Barir Moth – Munshiganj

Shanti Babur Barir Moth is located in the village Tajpur (Shouth) from Serajdikhan. It would not take that much time to reach near the Moth from Serajdikhan bazar. This Moth is also known as Kankata Dey Moth (Kankata means without ear). The reason behind the peculiar name is, Mr. Shanti Ranjan Babu had only one…
Fegunasar Shiva Temple – Munshiganj

Fegunasar village is located in Taltola of Sirajdikhan, Munshiganj district. There is a nice temple located. Inside the temple it has a large Shiva Linga (Phallus) placed. When I reached there it was already closed. But during the noon people use to pray in the temple. According to the local people this…
A day in Shopnopuri amusement park – Dinajpur

Shopnopuri (also known as Swapnopuri or Shapnapuri) is an amusement park that is located in Aftabganj of Nababganj from Dinajpur district. After reaching Dinajpur town by overnight bus travel I’ve decided to visit this amusement park first. This theme park is built using a vast area (around 920 acres of…