Patang Jhiri Waterfall, Bandarban

Tuesday, 14th September 2010

If you are a trekker from Bangladesh, then you are already familiar with the “Jiri Poth”. Its a walking path where you have to walk through the water streams which are coming from the top of the hill. The water level is very low here. Most of the cases an average of 1 feet or less. But some places from the “Jhiri” are having very deep water level.

During my 6 days trekking at Bandarban, our team was trekking towards Boga Lake using “Jhiri Path”. Around 1.5 hours before the Boga Lake, you’ll find a place having a small water fall. But the surround environment, and the architecture of the waterfall made this extraordinary. This is called “Patang Jhiri Waterfall”.

There are several areas under the waterfall where the water gathers, and made those a natural bathtub. The main one, where the water dropping directly, having no depth found so far. Many people tried, but couldn’t find the depth. The teal colored crystal water from the basin is really something. It will be hard for you to leave the place.

We have taken around an hour of break at that place. After capturing the pictures and videos, I have thrown my body for a natural cold massage from the water stream. Along with me, my teammates enjoyed the bath, and the break at that place.

At dry season, its very difficult to reach at the top of the waterfall from where its coming. And its rainy season, its almost impossible. Few from my team have climbed to the top during dry season, and stayed there for a night. There is another small waterfall exist at the top, according to them. Tourists are so far, not even the local people used to climb at top over the rocks.

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