Rangamati Rajban Bihar is located at the eastern side of the city. The Rajbari of Chakmara Raja is also near from there. I entered the Rajban Bihar through the Rajbari Ghat, beside the symbolic building ‘Seven heaven’. This is a seven stored building and each one represents a heaven, with a naming. It was closed that time unfortunately. Then I entered inside the main premise of the prayer area. A visitor needs to enter that premise with bare feet to respect their custom.

There are several small buildings located inside the Rajban Bihar premise. Inside a prayer hall there has a face of Buddha made from bronze and stuffed in a wall for the visitors. No matter from which direction you are looking at that mask you’d feel the Buddha is looking at you (a nice convex illusion). There was an eldest monk known probably as Bonovante (who is highly respected), He was around 93 years of old. A lot of Buddhist people use to visit him with tributes to get favour from him, and also the god.

I visited this place after visiting the famous Shubolong waterfall along with few other small waterfalls. The day passed nicely for me and was a bit tired as well. I had an awful bus journey at last night. It stopped suddenly amid of nowhere in Dhaka-Chittagong highway around 4:00am in morning. We had to change the bus as it was broken. Rest of the journey after that wasn’t much comfortable. So I made a quick visit and left early.
Rajban Bihar,
District: Rangamati,
Country: Bangladesh,
GPS Coordinate (22°39’56.7″N, 92°10’12.1″E).
Saturday, 07th August 2010