Sajek valley is a remote hilly area that is located in Rangamati district, but you have to go there through the Khagrachari district. Once upon a time this place was a risky place for security reasons and only few adventurous people could dare to travel to this region. But nowadays the situation has changed. Bangladesh army has established their camp over there along with BGB. That’s why the security has improved over there and a lot of tourists are going there during their vacation. It has been around a year and I didn’t plan to travel. So I joined a group and they have arranged everything (from bus ticket to guest house reservation). I was totally tension free and enjoyed a perfect vacation into the clouds after a long time. See more photos from Sajek valley from the gallery.
We already hired (over the phone) a local four wheel drive vehicle that picked us from Dighinala of Khagrachari. It was probably around 5000 Taka for the two days. There were only five people in our group. The weather was initially sunny, but later changed its mode several times. We even had rain on our way and paused our journey beside a local tea stall. I have a severe back pain problem and the driver was too rough. Most of the time I was rigid on my seat located behind the vehicle. The whole road journey was thrilling for others and they have enjoyed the beauty of rain, clouds, and the picturesque view of the hills, etc.
It took approximately 2.5 hours to reach the Sajek valley. It was around 4:00pm that day when we made it. We were late because we explored several places from Dighinala including the Hajachhora Waterfall. In fact we had a great shower from the lovely waterfall. When we reached Sajek it was fully covered with clouds. It means we were inside the cloud. So we became short sighted and couldn’t view most of the things from around us. It was a bit chilly but lovely weather.
We booked the guesthouse from the Army camp in Sajek valley. I thought it would be a normal room with handy beds and other stuff. I didn’t expect too much from this hilly area. But inside the Army guesthouse it was too luxurious. A spacious neat and clean room with a large attached bathroom with most of the urban facilities. Also the guest house has an attached terrace at the western side which is a perfect place for watching the sunset and having an afternoon time pass. The guest house also has a separate dining room and they already served our lunch over there (cooked by the army chef). It wasn’t having too many items but enough to satisfy the hungry souls like us. These types of foods are costly over there. They had to collect these from the nearby market which is more than an hour away through a vehicle.
There was only 10/15 minutes left before the sunset when we finished our late lunch. So we grabbed a few chairs from there and started enjoying the sunset in Sajek Valley. It was the first sunset that I have enjoyed while sitting on a chair! The western side was totally flat and we were at the top from our end. The sunset could have been an amazing one. But unfortunately the clouds forced the sun to set a bit earlier than usual. It Basically disappeared into the clouds. Also because of the cloud the colorful sky was looking slightly hazy. But it was nonetheless beautiful.
While I was sitting on the terrace, I watched two bids which I haven’t seen before (or maybe I have seen before but couldn’t notice carefully). These two birds were Indian Roller, and Blue Rock Thrush female. The sun was at the back side of the birds and that’s why the photos were slightly darker. After sunset I enjoyed a squirrel that was playing on a tree far from us. My crazy zoom camera helped me to observe the squirrel more closely than ever. I was there as long as the after sunset daylight was available.
After the sunset I had a nap for an hour or more. In fact my other tour mates also had a nap. The breeze in Sajek valley after sunset is too heavy. From inside a room the noise feels that something like a storm is passing outside. Also the night was too cold (a similar cold can be felt during the winter in Bangladesh). We had a dinner with the same menu and after the dinner we had a hangout at the terrace till the night 2:00am. Two members (sadly one passed away after a year) from our team had an amazing vocal and they entertained us most of the time with their musical talent. Also the night was full with firefly bugs lighting around. Unfortunately we haven’t seen too many stars in the sky for the cloudy environment. Though we went to bed late, our aim was to wake up early in the morning to watch sunrise in Sajek valley. Crazy ha!
As per the plan the next day we woke up too early to watch the sunrise. But once again, we were inside the cloud and couldn’t see too far from us. So we have given up our hope for the sunrise in Sajek Valley. So we randomly explored the area by lazy walking. We spent a few minutes in the Runmoy Coggate and had a photo session over there. But slowly the situation was getting worse (in terms of weather). I sensed heavy rain. So I packed my camera inside the bag and started walking with long steps. It was touch and go when I reached our guesthouse room. Few of us couldn’t reach on time (maybe for 30 seconds) and they paid by soaking up from the early morning rain.
The rain was becoming heavier and I was inside the tin shed room of the guest house. It has been a long time since I last passed inside a tin shed room during the rain. It usually feels like 10/15 times heavier when you are inside such houses. The rain didn’t show any sign of stopping and I decided to have another round of nap inside the rain. I slept for an hour or two. I didn’t have a sound sleep last night (usually I don’t at a new place), but this time I had a sound sleep. With the musical raindrops the nap couldn’t have been more relaxing than that one.

After breakfast we headed for the Kanglak Para which is around 20/30 minutes of walking distance from the Army camp. Through the typical hilly path we reached the village without any problem. The village was a neat and clean one. It was a populous village even a year back. But now the tribal people from this village are moving to another location (don’t know why, maybe the water source is a problem here). That’s why only a few families were remaining there. In fact we didn’t see too many villagers there during our stay. From this village the view of Lushai Hill is clear, but once again the clouds! and …
Despite being a remote village inside the hilly area of Bangladesh, Kanglak para was having most of the urban facilities such as electricity (from solar), cable tv, etc. They also cultivate fish inside the large pots which I didn’t see before anywhere. Also, our district towns are far from this village, so they prefer to go to Mizoram for their needs. Even a lot of kids from this village go there for study purposes (Probably better education and the option to study in their mother language). Not sure whether they cross the border legally or illegally. There is a school available in this Kanglak para, but the condition of the school wasn’t that good. Either our government, or the Army should take care of the school to improve it. The Army has established a tourist spot there, now it’s time to repair the old school (built in 1963).
After returning from the Kanglak Para we packed our bags and said goodbye to Sajek valley. I wanted to stay there for another day and wanted to leave the valley after sunset as my bus was at 10:00pm at night. But unfortunately the tour wasn’t arranged by me. It was their decision about staying or leaving. So I had to agree with them and left the valley unwillingly. It was an amazing time I passed in Sajek valley after a long time. In fact It’s been a long time since I had a luxurious tour like this one. Most of my trips are budget trips as you’ve already read from my other articles (like staying in a cheap hotel and using public transportation).
About the Sajek valley
Sajek valley is an amazing village located on top of the mountains which is located in Rangamati district. This became a popular tourist destination as the current road condition has improved a lot. This is a place where people spend their time inside the clouds. From the plain land of Bangladesh we always see the clouds flying high in the sky. But in Sajek valley you are actually inside the cloud. You could touch it and smell it. Also the way to the Sajek valley is scenic. Visiting this valley during a wonderful day would be a dream for anyone.
Being located on top of the hill, the water is expensive and hard to get in this village. People collect the water from nearby streams from the valley where it has a couple of small waterfalls. Earlier the tourists were not allowed to go there. But nowadays a lot of tourists go and visit those two waterfalls. To be on the safe side and at the same time to enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls along with clouds of Sajek valley, September is the best time to visit.
How to go
To go to Sajek valley first you have to come to Khagrachari. Shamoly will be the best available bus service from all. From Khagrachari you can reach Dighinala using a CNG driven vehicle. It will be around 50 taka per person (as of 2013). From Dighinala you can hire motorbike or any four wheel driven vehicles locally known as Chander Gari. It will be better if you hire the vehicle for round trip. Otherwise you may not find any vehicle during your returning. Probably our group has hired the four wheel drive vehicle for 5000 taka for two days. I am not sure about the cost.
Where to stay
Sajek valley is the latest craze of Bangladesh in terms of tourism (as of 2014). Year by year the demand from tourists is growing. And several guest houses are built around the valley. Most of those are managed by the Army or the BGB. Those are high quality ones. There are a few which are managed by the local people. Also you could stay as a paying guest in a local people’s house (like you do in Bandarban).
In recent time there are plenty of cottages and guest houses were built based on the demand. But still compared to the demand, it is not enough. So better arrange your stay before going there. Otherwise you might have to return back on the same day.
Sajek Valley,
Upazela: Baghaichhori,
District: Rangamati,
Country: Bangladesh
GPS Coordinate: (23°23’25.22″N, 92°17’9.56″E)
Written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog
Friday, 26 September 2014 – Saturday, 27 September 2014
Hi… i dont have much idea on car and driving… but it is better to take a driver who is experience in driving at hilly area… driving in hilly area is different than driving in plain land…
Excuse me, I need one help with this tour, like, can I take my personal car(Toyota Allion 2006, Two Wheel Drive, Automatic Gear) along with my experienced driver to Sajek?
Please give me a feedback, I really need to know about this.
The road is good and shouldn't be a problem for bike. But I am not sure about the recent security. You should not require any permission to go there. But to stay there at night you'd probably need a house/hotel/etc.
Ami bike niya jete chi… Road er obosta ki Rokom r sajek Vally te entry te ki kono permission lage. Pls help me if you know
I don't know about the current expense. Everything got expensive there as lot of tourists go there. If you want to go there at december, try to book your room or whatever place you want to stay. Most of the people go there during winter. Sajek is beautiful whenever you go. Just make a plan and go. Rainy season is best in my opinion.
amra koyek jon bondhu mile december er dike sajek valley te jete cacci oi somoy gele kemon hobe..Ar per person koto taka lagte pare??
– শুক্র শনি বারের আসে পাশে গেলে চাপ একটু বেশি থাকবে পর্যটকের। বর্ষায় খাগড়াছড়ি বা পাহাড়ি এলাকা বেশি সুন্দর। এখনই ঐদিকে যাবার উত্তম সময়।
– খাগড়াছড়িতে ঝর্ণা আছে রিসাং। আলুটিলা গুহা, দেবতার পুকুর, আরো অনেক জায়গা যাবার মতন। আমার ব্লগেই আছে কিছু লেখা।
– ভাড়া কমানোর জন্য দীঘিনালা থেকে মোটর সাইকেল নিতে পারেন। ছেড়ে দিয়ে দুই/একদিন পরে আবার আসতে বললেন। দেখেন কত নেয়। দীঘিনালা থেকে চান্দের গাড়ির ভাড়া কেমন হবে খেয়াল নেই। ঢাকা থেকে দীঘিনালা পর্যন্ত সরাসরি বাস যায়। অথবা খাগড়াছড়ি নেমে সিএনজি করে যেতে পারেন (৫০ প্রতি জন মনে হয় দীঘিনালা পর্যন্ত)।
আমরা আসলে তিনজন বন্ধু এ মাসের শেষের দিকে ২দিন-১রাতের ট্যুর দিতে চাচ্ছিলাম। চান্দের গাড়ি ভাড়া নেবার বিষয়ে, যেহেতু সম্পূর্ণ গাড়ি আমাদের ৭-১০হাজার টাকা দিয়ে রিজার্ভ করা সম্ভব নয়, আমরা কি সাধারনভাবে ট্রান্সপোর্টেশন করতে পারবো(মানে খাগড়াছড়ি থেকে সাজেক ভ্যালি পর্যন্ত প্রথমদিন সকালে আমরা আসবো, এখানে রাতে থেকে পরদিন যাবার জন্য অন্য চান্দের গাড়ি দিয়ে খাগড়াছড়ি ফেরত যাবার ইচ্ছা)? এবং এখন যেহেতু বৃষ্টি-বাদলার দিন, এ মাসের শেষে কি সাজেক ভ্যালি যাওয়া উচিৎ হবে? মানে, ভালো সিদ্ধান্ত হবে? মানে, অন্যান্য সময়ের মতো সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ করা যাবে? আবহাওয়ার কারনে ট্যুরের আনন্দের ব্যাঘাত ঘটবে না তো(যতটুকুই বলা যায় আরকি)?
আর সাজেক ভ্যালি ছাড়া খাগড়াছড়িতে ঘোরার অন্য কোনো উল্লেখযোগ্য স্থান আছে কি(যা আমাদের হাতে বাকি থাকা ১ দিনে ঘোরা যাবে)?
শেষ প্রশ্ন, বছরের এ সময়ে সাজেক ভ্যালীতে পর্যটক চাপ কেমন থাকে বলতে পারবেন?
অগ্রীম ধন্যবাদ। ��
Yes possible. Go to the Sajek directly after you move in Khagrachhori… And next day back to Khagrachhori and explore the waterfalls and cave during the afternoon (after 12pm). That's it…
hi…. want to know… if i want to saty in Sajek just for one night, i mean my plan is to reach khagrachori on 14th morning n to start for dhaka on 15th night…. is it possible to visit both khagrachori n sajek within this short time?
I don't have any!
Army guest ar kono contract number daya jabe…
Army guest ar kono contract number daya jabe…
Army guest house er kono contract number deya jabe.m.
good work, nice one, content @ usefull image based blog, thanks . you are good at .
I love my beloved Bangladesh
The resort cost is slightly expensive. You can search google for the resorts… They place is really nice… Just go there and you'll have a lot of fun…
if we two friends or singly want to visit there, how can i make it nicely and of course cheaply? plz inform me. how about the resort or hotel cost?