Shanti Babur Barir Moth – Munshiganj

shanti babur moth munshiganj

Shanti Babur Barir Moth is located in the village Tajpur (Shouth) from Serajdikhan. It would not take that much time to reach near the Moth from Serajdikhan bazar. This Moth is also known as Kankata Dey Moth (Kankata means without ear). The reason behind the peculiar name is, Mr. Shanti Ranjan Babu had only one ear, and another one lost accidentally. Local people use to believe that his ear was lost after a fight with a giant from water (myth).

shanti babur moth munshiganj

This Moth was built around 100 years back. It has a large pond just in front of it. The guy Mr. Shanti Babu was killed so far I know (I could be wrong). Anyway, there are three Moths placed side by side. And three of those are different in size. One is much taller, other one is medium, and the last one is very small in size. It could mean the Moths are for a father, a mother, and a son (my wild guess).

shanti babur moth munshiganj
The tallest moth amongst the three.

shanti babur moth munshiganj
Each of the Moth is having a different size.

shanti babur moth munshiganj
Closer look to one of the Moth.

shanti babur moth munshiganj
View of the three Moth from the other side of the pond.

Shanti Babur Barir Moth,
District: Munshiganj,
Country: Bangladesh,

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog

Sunday, 13th June 2010


  1. Munshiganj is a olde and famous city in Bangladesh. Most Popular and famous person born in Munshiganj. Those person place is now famous tourist spot.

  2. Nice Man!