Shokuni lake from Madaripur

shakuni lake, madaripur lake

Academic name of the lake is Shakuni lake or Shokuni lake. And local people know this as Madaripur lake as it is situated in Madaripur town. This lake was built a few hundreds years back by a Raja (a king) to ease the water crisis. Nowadays it is a great entertainment place for the locals. During the afternoon it would be hard to get an empty space around the lake. Most of the people from town spend time with friends here.

shakuni lake, madaripur lake

I found the natural beauty of Madaripur district was awesome. But the beauty of the lake added another extra feather to that. Under a sunny blue sky, the blue water from the lake would please your mind easily. Most of the main infrastructures from Madaripur town are built around the Shokuni lake. The DC office, police station, and many other government buildings are situated around the lake. During my visit I found this large lake had two portions separated by a fishing net.

shakuni lake, madaripur lake

There is a small park located near the Shokuni lake which is locally known as Oxygen park. The lake area is covered with a nice walking path. Lot of health conscious people use to go there for an evening or morning jog.

shakuni lake, madaripur lake

The sweets from the Shokuni lake area are famous from Madaripur. At the corner of the lake (near the Old central jail) you’d find several sweet shops. You could taste a few sweets there, or could bring sweets to your home. After my visit I returned home with Khiri Bhog and Kacha Sondesh sweets from there.

Shokuni lake (or Shakuni lake),
Madaripur zero point,
District: Madaripur,
Country: Bangladesh.
GPS Coordinate (23°09’57.9″N, 90°12’28.3″E).

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog

Sunday, 04th July 2010

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