Tangail: Atiya Jame Moshjid

Friday, 13 January 2012

আমাদের বাংলাদেশের পুরানো দশ টাকার নোটের মধ্যে আটিয়া মসজিদের ছবি ছিল. যদিও ভুলক্রমে মসজিদটার নিচে লেখা ছিল আতিয়া জমে মসজিদ. ছোট বেলা থেকেই শখ ছিল একদিন এই মসজিদ দেখতে যাব. আজকে সেই শখ পূরণ হলো. আমার টাঙ্গাইল ভ্রমন করার সময় আমি আজকে এই মসজিদ দেখে এলাম. অনেক সুন্দর ৪০০ বছরের পুরান এই মসজিদ আমাদের বাংলাদেশের একটা ঐতিহাসিক স্থাপনা. আমাদের নিজেদের জন্য না হলেও, ছোট ছোট ছেলেমেয়েদের জন্য আমরা যেন কিছু সময় বের করে তাদেরকে এইরকম জায়গায় নিয়ে যাই ছুটির দিনগুলাতে. অনেক কিছুই শিক্ষার আছে এইসব থেকে.

Atia(আটিয়া), a historical four century years of old mosque is located at the Delduar Thana(দেলদুয়ার থানা) of Tangail district(টাঙ্গাইল জেলা) of Bangladesh(বাংলাদেশ). The village name is Atia(আটিয়া) and the mosque is known as Atia Jame Moshjid(আটিয়া জমে মসজিদ), Atia Mosque, etc.

Old ten taka note that has the image of this mosque.

This mosque is around 6 kilometers from the Tangail(টাঙ্গাইল) town. There is a small river flowing near the mosque, name is Louhojong Nodi(লৌহজং নদী). The mosque is a small one and measure around 18m by 12m.

The mosque has four spherical domes at the top. One is the larger, which is located at the west part of the mosque. Other three are smaller sized and located at the east side of the mosque. All three domes are in a single row. Its like the bigger one is the Imam(ইমাম), and other three are Musalli(মুসল্লী).

All the domes are ornate at the bottom part and having a small minaret like object at top. The mosque has four pillars at the four corners. Each of the pillars are stylish and decorated nicely.

The mosque has lovely terracotta at the outer side of east and the north side wall. Those are very simple, just few small flowers inside the circles. The mosque has three entrance at the east side, and two entrance at the north and south side each.

Terracotta on the mosque wall.

This mosque is built during 1610 by Muslim Jomidar(মুসলিম জমিদার) Sayeed Khan Panni(সায়ীদ খান পান্নি), son of Baizid Khan Panni(বায়েজিদ খান পান্নি). He also dug a large water tank at the western side of the mosque. People says that the mosque was built for the honor of a saint Shah Baba Kashmiri(শাহ বাবা কাশ্মিরী).

The mosque was damaged during the massive earthquake of 1800. A reconstruction of the mosque was made 1837. Also, during 1909 another reconstruction made by two Jomidar from Korotia(করটিয়া), and Delduar(দেলদুয়ার) of Tangail jointly. Wazed Ali Khan Panni(ওয়াজেদ আলী খান পান্নি) was from Korotia(করটিয়া), and Abu Ahmed Guznavi Khan(আবু আহমেদ গজনবী খান) from Delduar(দেলদুয়ার).

We have placed this mosque at the currency of ten Taka note. That old note has the image of this mosque at the right side. Rarely those notes are available at banks or on the hand of people now a days.

How to go:

1) First come to Tangail(টাঙ্গাইল) town. A bus from Mohakhali(মহাখালী) terminal of Dhaka will take you here. Best available bus services are Dhaleswari(ধলেশ্বরী) Service, Jhotika(ঝটিকা) Service, etc. These are direct bus for Tangail(টাঙ্গাইল). Ask the bus to drop you at Old bus stand. Bus fare is 120 taka per person. GPS coordinate of Old bus stand is (24°15’4.88″N, 89°55’11.44″E). Time require 2.5 hours to 3.5 hours based on traffic jam.

2) Now you have to take CNG auto. It is at Tangail(টাঙ্গাইল) Baby Stand, 1 minute walking from the old bus stand.

3) Take the public CNG auto and ask you to drop you at Pathrail Bot Tola(পাথরাইল বট তলা). Fare is 15 taka. GPS of the Pathrail bot tola(পাথরাইল বট তলা) is (24°11’55.09″N, 89°56’19.15″E). It will require 15-20 minutes to reach the place.

4) From the bot tola(বট তলা), take another CNG auto and ask it to drop you at Atia Mosque(আটিয়া মসজিদ). Fare is 10 taka. GPS of the mosque is (24°11’2.64″N, 89°54’40.80″E). Time requires 10 minute.

Alternately, you can use your own vehicle. Or reserve an CNG auto instead of sharing with public.

Where to Stay:

Tangail(টাঙ্গাইল) has lot of normal quality hotels around the town. You can take any of those. Also the Alenga resort(এলেঙ্গা রিসোর্ট) is around 30 minutes away from the town. And Jamuna resort(যমুনা রিসোর্ট) is one hour away from the town. Since it is possible to travel Atia Mosque within a single day, I’ll suggest you to come back your home on the same day without staying. But choice is yours.

Where to Eat:

Town has plenty of good quality hotels and restaurants around, so you don’t need to worry about that. Also you can taste the best Chomchom(aka Pora Barir Chomchom, পোড়া বাড়ীর চমচম) of Bangladesh(বাংলাদেশ) from Tangail(টাঙ্গাইল). During returning home, don’t forget to buy few for your family. All the best sweet shops are at Pachani Bazar(পাচ আনি বাজার) of the town. GPS coordinate of that area is (24°14’56.17″N, 89°54’51.94″E).

Notes: Lot of local people pronounce this Atia(আটিয়া) as Aita(আইটা).


  1. its is honor to mugol architecture.

  2. Now thats something good post