Tulshi gonga river

Tulshi gonga river (তুলসী গঙ্গা নদী) is another dying river from Bangladesh. This river mostly flows through the district Joypurhat (জয়পুরহাট) and a tributary river of Chhoto Jomuna river. I am not sure, probably the river originated from somewhere northern part of Joypurhat district (জয়পুরহাট জেলা). This is a very small river which looks like a canal now a day.

During my observation near Pathorghata (পাথরঘাটা) I’ve found the river is having barely a foot depth. Anyone can cross the river without getting their cloths wet. Even couple of decades back people needed a boat to cross the river. If we look back even further then this river was a great communication medium for the local people. According to few aged local people, they have heard about big boats used to dock at Pathorghata (পাথরঘাটা). But now a days even an origami/toy boat should find it difficult to float here.

Once upon a time Tulshi gonga river (তুলসী গঙ্গা নদী) was a great irrigation source for the farmers as it could hold water during any time of the year. But now only during the rainy season the river gets some water from the rain. Otherwise during summer or winter it is like an old lady.

From several local newspaper it seems like that the local government is trying to revive the river. They have started digging the river to give it a depth so that it can hold more water during rainy season. This is basically prevent overflowing of the river during rainy season. This is certainly a good initiative. But what about dry season? How does the river get water that time?

Photos of this Tulshi gonga river (তুলসী গঙ্গা নদী) were taken from Pathorghata, Joypurhat (পাথরঘাটা, জয়পুরহাট). It was during May 2013, summer time in Bangladesh.

This article has written by Lonely Traveler,
for the blog https://alonelytraveler.com/


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